Dirk Werle

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Dirk Werle (born February 18, 1975 in Bonn ) is a German German studies scholar , literary scholar and professor at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg .


From 1995 Werle studied German , Latin and philosophy at the Universities of Freiburg , Pisa and the Humboldt University of Berlin (HU Berlin). In 2001 he completed his studies with the acquisition of a master’s degree in the subjects of Modern German Literature, Latin and Philosophy. In 2005 he was awarded a Dr. phil. PhD. He then worked as a research assistant on the Berlin research project "Logic and Hermeneutics around 1600". After working at the University of Siegen , Werle started working as a research assistant at the University of Leipzig in 2006 . There he completed his habilitation in 2012 in the subjects of Modern German Literature and General Literary Studies.

This was followed by substitute professorships at the University of Jena and the HU Berlin. 2015 Werle took while rejecting a call of the RWTH Aachen a reputation of Heidelberg University , where he has since holds the chair of Modern German Literature with an emphasis on early modern period.

Werle is married and has two children (* 2011 and * 2015).

Research and writings (selection)

Werle's research focuses primarily on German literature from 1600 to the early 20th century, with a sub-focus on lyric and poetics.

  • Copia librorum. Problem history of imagined libraries 1580–1630 . De Gruyter, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-484-36619-0 (dissertation).
  • Fame and modernity. A history of ideas (1750–1930) . Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 2014, ISBN 978-3-465-03850-4 (habilitation thesis).

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