Dolmen de la Pierre Blanche

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Dolmen de la Pierre Blanche

The Dolmen de la Pierre Blanche ( German  Dolmen of the White Stone ) is located east of Bessé , on the border with Charmé , in the Charente department in France . In France, dolmen is the generic term for Neolithic megalithic structures of all kinds (see: French nomenclature ).

It is an Angoumoisin type dolmen that was built between 4500 and 4000 BC. BC originated. The oval capstone is 4.5 m long, almost 4.0 m wide and 1.5 m thick. It rests on two preserved orthostats at one end . The tumulus has been removed.

The dolmen lies on an axis with the four Tusson tumuli and two other ruined dolmens. Nearby are the Tumuli du Bois de Maubaty .

A small bronze figure of Emperor Constantine from around AD 330 was found near the dolmen.

The dolmen was classified as a Monument historique in 1930 .

Web links

Commons : Dolmen de la Pierre Blanche (Bessé)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 45 ° 56 '48.8 "  N , 0 ° 5' 35.2"  E