Dolmen du Devès de Félines

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Dolmen du Devès de Félines Dolmen du Devès de Félines
Dolmen du Devès de Félines
Dolmen du Devès de Félines

The Dolmen du Devès de Félines (also called Dolmen de Lagarde or de La Gardia ) is located on a hill west of Murat-sur-Vèbre , near Mazamet in the Tarn department in France . In France, dolmen is the generic term for Neolithic megalithic structures of all kinds (see: French nomenclature ). The place is known for the museum of megaliths .

The dolmen is made of gneiss . The almost flat capstone measures 2.3 × 1.47 × 0.48 m and rests on two low, strip-like lateral supporting stones.


The Dolmen du Devès de Félines is one of the few dolmens in the granite area of the southern Tarn. There are about 100 menhirs and statue menhirs , but fewer than 10 dolmens. In the limestone area in the north of the department there are a large number of dolmens, but fewer than five menhirs.

See also


  • Jean Clottes: Dolmens et Menhirs du Midi (= Terres du Sud 26). Edition Loubatiéres, Portet-sur-Garonne 1987, ISBN 2-86266-048-5 .

Web links

Coordinates: 43 ° 41 ′ 3.6 "  N , 2 ° 50 ′ 36.3"  E