Domenico Dall'Oglio

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Domenico Dall'Oglio (* around 1700 in Padua ; † 1764 in Narva , Estonia) was an Italian violinist and composer of the early classical period.


Dall'Oglio is believed to have been a pupil of Giuseppe Tartini in 1721 . In 1732 he was first violinist and capo di concerto at the Basilica of S. Antonio in Padua. In 1735 he left this post and moved to Russia with his brother Giuseppe Dall'Oglio, a cellist. Both brothers worked for the Tsar's court in St. Petersburg for more than 29 years . From 1762 he represented Luigi Madonis as concertmaster of the court orchestra for several years . Various documents from the court refer to his activities and portray him as a virtuoso violinist and composer. In leisure hours he built musical instruments, especially violins and lutes. He died in Narva on the way back to Italy.


Most of the traditional works by Dall'Oglio are instrumental compositions. The archives of the tsar's court show that in the absence of the conductor Francesco Araia he produced several works for the imperial theater. Analysis of his music for strings shows that he was a master of the virtuoso Italian style of the eighteenth century. In his works one finds frequent use of the double fingering technique and playing in high registers. Structurally, his violin sonatas follow the Allegro-Adagio-Allegro form. His concerts, on the other hand, follow the typical structure in the trend of his time: Allegro-Grave / Largo-Allegro . The slow movements of his compositions and their elaborate ornamentation , which are typical of Tartini's school, are remarkable .

Works (selection)

  • 12 sonata per violino e violoncello / clavicembalo (1738, Amsterdam)
  • 6 symphony per 2 violini, viola e basso, op.1 (1753, Paris)
  • 2 sonata per flauto e basso
  • 12 sonata per violino e basso continuo
  • Sonata a 4 per 2 violini, viola e basso
  • Sinfonia Russa per 4 violini (lost)
  • Quelques symphony all russians (lost)
  • Sinfonia per 2 clarinetti, 2 violini, timpani e basso (lost)
  • Pezzi per violetta e basso
  • 17 concerti per violino (con 2 violini obbligati, viola e violoncello obbligati)
  • 10 sonata per violino e basso
Stage works
  • La Russia afflitta prologue and aria to La clemenza di Tito by Johann Adolf Hasse ; (lost)
  • La Joie des nations à l'apparition d'Astrée à l'horizon russe, et le retour de l'age d'or (ballet, 1742, lost)
  • La Pomme d'or au banquet des dieux, et le jugement de Paris (Ballet, 1742, lost)
  • E soffrirò che si - Combattuto da più venti (recitative and aria for soprano and strings to Didone abbandonata by Francesco Zoppis )
  • Combattuto da più venti qual naviglio , aria for soprano and strings


  • Robert Aloys Mooser (1876–1969): Violinistes-compositeurs italiens en Russie au XVIIIe siècle (1946, pp. 219–29).

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