Dora Willgerodt-Brünner

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Dora Willgerodt-Brünner (born April 27, 1887 in Karlsruhe , † November 20, 1983 in Marburg ) was a German painter and graphic artist.

life and work

Dora Brünner came from a family of artists. Her father was the Karlsruhe-born painter and graphic artist Carl Brünner (1847–1918), who created numerous large frescoes and historical paintings typical of the early days in Karlsruhe, Vienna and Basel and also worked as a portrait painter. From 1888 he was a professor at the Kassel School of Applied Arts and later at the Kassel Art Academy . Her mother was the Swiss Hedwig Sickler (1867-1948). Her brother Hans Brünner (1883–1941) also worked as a graphic artist and painter in Karlsruhe.

Dora Brünner grew up in Kassel and attended the arts and crafts school there from 1903 to 1906, which had set up a class for schoolgirls since 1870, in which from 1889 the qualification as a drawing teacher could be obtained. Around 1906/1909 she moved to the art academy in Kassel, which has been accepting female students since 1886. According to the statutes of the Königliche Kunst-Akademie zu Kassel, it was up to the director of the academy to decide on requests from "foreigners, ladies and interns" to participate in lessons in the lowest department. In a brief biographical outline, Brünner names the teachers there, Louis Kolitz and Hans Olde, as those who shaped them significantly. Two sketchbooks from her studies at the Kassel Art Academy give an impression of the motifs that she recorded with pencil: everyday scenes on the street, fellow students painting, detailed studies, landscapes.

Dora Brünner worked as a painter and graphic artist after graduating. As was customary in the early 20th century, she also carried out commissioned work as a copyist for famous paintings in the Kassel art collections , such as Riberas Mater dolorosa . In addition to flower pictures and landscapes, portraits were a focus of her work. This is how she painted the Marburg professor Luise Berthold in 1942 . In his book Hesse in German Painting, Carl Bantzer counts her among the painters of the Hessian landscape.

In 1915 Dora Brünner married her painter colleague Werner Willgerodt, whom she already knew from studying. The couple had two daughters (Ursula and Barbara). In 1928 the family moved to Marburg, where Werner Willgerodt worked as an art teacher at the Philippinum grammar school, and built a house at 4 Körnerstraße. In the early 1940s, Dora and Werner Willgerodt divorced. In the 1950s Dora Willgerodt-Brünner joined the newly founded Marburg artist group, with whom she exhibited frequently in the years that followed.

Works (selection)

  • Most of Dora Willgerodt-Brünner's works are in private hands.
  • The Stadtmuseum Kassel has two oil paintings ( portrait of an old woman , 1915; landscape view over the Druseltal to the Habichtsspiel , no year), two copper engravings ( Kirchditmold; Alte Mühle bei Kassel ), a drawing ( Alt-Kassel , Brothers Grimm -House); two sketchbooks.
  • Bildarchiv Foto Marburg has b / w photographs of paintings from the possession of Dora Willgerodt-Brünner in 1968: Portrait of Luise Berthold (inventory number : 141 946), portrait of a woman (inventory number 141984), breastfeeding woman with Newborn baby lying in bed (inventory no. 141 947), bouquet of sunflowers in a vase (inventory no. 141 945). In 1968 they were in the artist's possession, today their whereabouts are unknown.


  • Irene Ewinkel: Dora Willgerodt-Brünner. In: Irene Ewinkel (ed.): The other life - review of Marburg artists. Marburg 2015, pp. 9–106.
  • Paul Schmaling: Artist Lexicon Hessen-Kassel 1777–2000. Entry Dora Willgerodt-Brünner. Kassel 2001.
  • Hermann Knackfuß: History of the royal art academy in Kassel. Compiled from the files of the Academy. Kassel 1908.

Web links

  • Jusepe de Ribera: Mater dolorosa in the Old Masters Picture Gallery, Kassel

Individual evidence

  1. See entry Brünner , in: Allgemeine Künstler-Lexikon (AKL), The visual artists of all times and peoples. Lim. v. Günter Meißner, Andreas Beyer / Bénédicte Savoy / Wolf Tegethoff (eds.), Online version.
  2. ^ Statutes of the Royal Art Academy in Kassel, § 10, January 1st, 1886, in: Hermann Knackfuß: History of the Royal Art Academy in Kassel . P. 231.
  3. ^ Short handwritten curriculum vitae of Dora Willgerodt-Brünner, Archiv Kunstverein Marburg.
  4. ↑ In 1968, several paintings by Willgerodt-Brünner were documented by Foto Marburg as black and white photographs, see works.
  5. ^ Carl Bantzer: Hesse in German painting . Edit., Ext. and new ed. by Angelika Bäumerth, Marburg 1993, p. 69.