Sleeping Beauty was a beautiful child (song)

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Sleeping Beauty was a beautiful child is a German language children's song . It is based on the Grimm fairy tale character Sleeping Beauty .


The song was written in the 1890s by the Dresden teacher Margarete Löffler at the instigation of the seminar teacher Adolf Netsch. It is based on an older folk song that has been handed down under the titles Die Anna sat am Breitenstein or Mariechen sat on a stone and is based on the legend of Ritter Blaubart and the German version of the legend by Ritter Ulinger.


The song is designed to be performed as a moving singspiel , in which individual children take on the roles of Sleeping Beauty, the evil fairy and the prince, while the remaining children form a circle and represent the court. Each stanza is essentially the repetition of a short sentence. Even small children can sing along immediately after the lead singer. The plot of the game can be taken directly from the lyrics.


\ relative c '' {\ key f \ major \ time 2/4 \ autoBeamOff \ partial 8 c8 |  dcbg |  fa a4 |  g8 b b4 |  a8 ccc |  dcbg |  fa a8.  a16 |  c4 c |  f, r8 \ bar "|."  } \ addlyrics {Dorn - rös - chen was a beautiful child, beautiful child, beautiful child, Dorn - rös - chen was a beautiful child, a beautiful child nes child.  }

Reproduced from the original.


1. Sleeping Beauty was a beautiful child, beautiful child, beautiful child,
Sleeping Beauty was a beautiful child, a beautiful child.

2. Sleeping Beauty, be careful, be
careful, be careful , Sleeping Beauty, be careful of an evil fairy!

3. Then the wicked fairy came in, fairy in, fairy in,
the wicked fairy came in and called out to her:

4. Sleeping beauty, sleep a hundred years, a hundred years, a hundred years!
Sleeping Beauty sleep a hundred years and everyone with you!

5. And a hedge huge, huge, huge,
And a huge hedge surrounded the castle.

6. Then came a young king's son, king's son, king's son.
A young king's son came and said to her:

7. Sleeping beauty, lovely maiden, maiden, maiden,
sleeping beauty, lovely maiden, now wake up!

8. Sleeping Beauty woke up again, woke up again, woke up again.
The whole court woke up, they woke up.

9. Sleeping Beauty now became queen, queen, queen,
blessed, high prince, made him happy.

10. You had a big party, big party, big party,
you had a big party: the wedding party.

11. And everyone was warmly
happy , warmly to each other, warmly, the whole country was also warmly happy.


Web links


  1. Georg Schläger: The Sleeping Beauty Game. In: Zeitschrift des Verein für Volkskunde 35/36 (1925/1926), pp. 259–271, here p. 264 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  2. a b c d Adolf Netsch: Playbook for girls aged 6–16: a selection of running, singing and resting games for school, public playground and family. Meyer, Hannover 1895, pp. 161-163 ( digitized version ). 4th edition 1913, p. 285 ff. ( Digitized version ).
  3. Theo Mang, Sunhilt Mang (ed.): Der Liederquell . Noetzel, Wilhelmshaven 2007, ISBN 978-3-7959-0850-8 , pp. 663 f .
  4. ^ Ingeborg Weber-Kellermann : The book of children's songs. 235 old and new songs: cultural history - sheet music - lyrics. Atlantis-Schott, Mainz 1997/2010, ISBN 978-3-254-08370-8 , p. 266 f.
  5. Anna was sitting on the Breitenstein at
  6. ^ Johann Lewalter : German folk songs. Collected in Niederhessen from the mouths of the people, with simple piano accompaniment, historical and comparative notes. Issue 1. Hamburg 1890, p. 52 f. ( Digitized version ).
  7. Mariechen sat on a stone at
  8. ^ Franz Magnus Böhme : German children's song and children's game. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig 1897, p. 552 f. ( Digitized versionhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3D~IA%3DDeutschesKinderliedUndKinderspiel~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3Dn628~doppelseiten%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D )