Dorothea of ​​Pfalz-Veldenz

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Dorothea von Pfalz-Veldenz (born January 16, 1658 in Lützelstein , † August 17, 1723 in Strasbourg ) was a born Countess Palatinate of Pfalz-Veldenz and by marriage Duchess of Pfalz-Zweibrücken .


Dorothea was a daughter of Count Palatine Leopold Ludwig von Veldenz (1625–1694) from his marriage to Agathe (1632–1681), daughter of Count Philipp Wolfgang von Hanau-Lichtenberg .

The princess, who was considered wealthy, married her second cousin, Duke and Count Palatine Gustav Samuel Leopold von Zweibrücken (1670–1731) , who was 12 years his junior, on July 10, 1707 in Zweibrücken . The marriage remained childless. While Gustav Samuel Leopold converted to Catholicism, Dorothea remained Protestant. The Duke was able to obtain a divorce for his marriage in Rome in 1723 because of allegedly too close relatives. The couple had been married in a Lutheran manner without papal dispensation . In the same year Gustav Samuel Leopold married Luise Dorothea von Hoffmann, whom the Emperor raised to the rank of imperial count. The resulting disputes with the Corpus Evangelicorum were settled with Dorothea's death in 1723 in Strasbourg. The duchess was buried in her home town of Lützelstein .


Hans Ammerich : Landlord and State Administration: Contributions to the government of Pfalz-Zweibrücken at the end of the Old Empire , Diss., Minerva, Saarbrücken 1981, ISBN 3-477-00063-3

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans Ammerich : Landesherr und Landesverwaltung: Contributions to the government of Pfalz-Zweibrücken at the end of the Old Empire , Diss., Minerva, Saarbrücken 1981, ISBN 3-477-00063-3 , p. 133
  2. Alexander von Daniels : Handbuch der deutschen Reichs und Staatsrechtsgeschichte , Volume 2, Part 3, Laupp & Siebeck, Tübingen 1863, p. 81