Doyran Heights

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Doyran Heights
Highest peak Mount Tuck ( 3560  m )
location Ellsworthland , West Antarctica
part of Sentinel Range , Ellsworth Mountains
Doyran Heights (Antarctica)
Doyran Heights
Coordinates 78 ° 33 ′  S , 84 ° 37 ′  W Coordinates: 78 ° 33 ′  S , 84 ° 37 ′  W

The Doyran Heights (English; Bulgarian Дойрански възвишения Dojranski waswischennija ) are a north-south orientation 30.8 km long, 16.5 km wide and in Mount Tuck up to 3560  m high mountains in the west Antarctic Ellsworthland . In the Sentinel Range of the Ellsworth Mountains , it lies in the eastern foothills of the Vinson and Craddock massifs . The Thomas Glacier borders it to the south and southwest, the Dater and Hansen Glaciers to the northwest and north and the Sikera Valley to the east. To the west it is connected to the Craddock massif via the Goreme Col. The Manole Pass separates it to the north from the Veregava Ridge , the Kostinbrod Pass to the northeast from the Flowers Hills .

American scientists mapped the mountain range in 1988. The Bulgarian Commission for Antarctic Geographical Names named it in 2011 after localities in north-east and south Bulgaria .

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