Jafar Khan

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Jafar Khan

Jafar Khan ( Persian جعفرخان زند Jafar-chan Zand , DMG Ǧaʿfar-Ḫān Zand ; *?; † January 23, 1789 ) was the penultimate Shah of the Zand dynasty . He ruled the country from February 18, 1785 to January 23, 1789.

After Jafar Khan's father, Sadiq Khan , was overthrown by Ali Murad Khan , he vowed to avenge his father. After only four years of reign, he overthrew Ali. Jafar Khan defended the country countless times against Mohammad Khan Qajar from the tribe of Qajar . He was poisoned in his third year as Shah of Persia. He was succeeded by his son Said Murad Khan Zand .

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