Jagdy Mountains

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Jagdy Mountains
Highest peak nameless summit ( 1593  m )
location Amur Oblast , Khabarovsk Region ( Russia )
part of East Siberian mountain country
Jagdy Mountains (Amur Oblast)
Jagdy Mountains
Coordinates 53 ° 49 ′  N , 131 ° 8 ′  E Coordinates: 53 ° 49 ′  N , 131 ° 8 ′  E

The Jagdy Mountains ( Russian (Хребет) Джагды , (Chrebet) Jagdy) is a low mountain range in the Russian Far East Federal District , Russia ( East Asia ).

It is delimited to the west by the valley of the Seja , in which the Seja dam and the city of Seja are located. This is where the Tukuringra Mountains join. In the southeast the ridge merges into the Selemdschagebirge . In the south is the Seja-Bureja plain . The river valleys of Seja and Uda lie north of the Jagdy Mountains . The approximately 250 km long Jagdy Mountains are up to 1,593 m high.

Individual evidence

  1. Article Jagdy Mountains in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D025187~2a%3D~2b%3DDschagdygebirge