Seja-Bureja plain

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The Seja-Bureja plain ( Russian: Зе́йско-Буреи́нская равни́на , Seisko-Bureinskaja rawnina ) is a landscape in the Far East of Russia .


The plain stretches east of the lower reaches of the Seja and its largest, left tributary, the Selemdscha . It is bounded in the south to the southwest by the Amur and in the west by the low mountain range that extends between the Amur and the Jagdy Mountains . Along the Seja, the plains are mainly around 200  m above sea level, become more hilly in northeast and east direction and rise to around 300 m, where they are bordered by the Turana Mountains, a low mountain range that forms the watershed between the catchment areas of Representing Selemdscha and Bureja . In the extreme southeast, the plain extends into the confluence of the Bureja and the Amur.

In the north-south direction, the Seja-Bureja plain extends over about 250 km, from west to east up to more than 100 km, whereby it widens in a south direction towards the Amur.

Soils and vegetation

The soils on the loose sandy to clayey deposits of the plain are predominantly black earth-like or brown taiga soils , in places there are swampy soils .

For the natural vegetation of the northern part of the plane mixed forests from Dahurischer larch ( Larix gmelinii ) and Mongolian oak ( Quercus mongolica ) characteristic, for the southern forest-steppe with pure deciduous forests of oak and Amur Linden ( Tilia amurensis ) between large grasslands (the "Amur - prairies ").

For the first time, the nature of the area was scientifically investigated and presented comprehensively by Grigori Grum-Grschimailo in his description of the Amur area from 1894.

Economy and Infrastructure

In particular, the central and southern part of the plain is used intensively for agriculture, beginning with the Russian colonization of the area in the second half of the 19th century, so that the natural vegetation is only preserved in a few places. The Seja-Bureja plain is now the most important grain-growing area, especially wheat, in the Far East of Russia.

Administratively it lies on the territory of the Amur Oblast , the largest cities of which are Blagoveshchensk , Belogorsk and Svobodny in the middle of the plain or on its edge. The Trans-Siberian Railway and the M58 Amur trunk road , part of the transcontinental road link, cross the plain in its central part.

natural reserve

In the southwest of the plain, in the area of the Amur floodplain , lies the 31,600  hectare Murawjowski bird sanctuary , a wetland of international importance according to the Ramsar Convention .

Individual evidence

  1. Seja-Bureja-level on the website of the Geographical Institute of the RAN (Russian)
  2. Seja-Bureja-level ( memento of the original from August 20, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. at (Russian) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

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