Cooperative State University

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The dual university is a state institution with dual study programs . In Germany they have taken different forms depending on the country . In Baden-Württemberg (→  Dual University Baden-Württemberg - DHBW) and Thuringia (→ Dual University Gera-Eisenach ), the dual universities exist as independent higher education institutions; in Rhineland-Palatinate , this is understood to be a service facility that brings together practice partners, universities and students .

The application-oriented course consists of an academic part and practical professional training in an external company (company).

The students study at a university and have practical experience in the company. There are two models:

The training-integrated study: Students are trained in practice in a state-recognized profession (teaching profession).

The practice-integrated course: Students are trained individually by the company. (With this variant, scientific project work sometimes has to be done in practice (e.g. at the DHBW))

The teaching profession ends outside the university with a journeyman's, skilled worker or assistant certificate. After completing the degree, the dual university awards the university degree of a Bachelor , depending on the course as a Bachelor of Arts , Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Science . Building on this, a master’s course can be added. The dual universities, however, do not have the right to award doctorates or post-doctoral qualifications like universities and other universities of equal standing . Depending on the state legal structure, they cannot award master’s degrees independently (e.g. the Gera-Eisenach Cooperative State University).

A prerequisite for studying at a dual university is a certificate of higher education entrance qualification ( general university entrance qualification , subject-related university entrance qualification or technical college entrance qualification ) and a vocational training contract . Particularly qualified employees can, under certain conditions, acquire the right to study at a dual university even without a corresponding university entrance qualification.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Information on the Dual University of Rhineland Palatinate (as of December 3, 2016).