Dublitskiy Bay

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Dublitskiy Bay
Waters Lazarev lake
Land mass Princess Astrid Coast of Queen Maud Land , Antarctica
Geographical location 70 ° 5 ′  S , 7 ° 45 ′  E Coordinates: 70 ° 5 ′  S , 7 ° 45 ′  E
Dublitskiy Bay (Antarctica)
Dublitskiy Bay
width 19 km

The Dublitskiy Bay ( Russian Залив Дублицкого , Saliw Dublizkowo ) is a 19 km wide bay on the Princess Astrid coast of the East Antarctic Queen Maud Land . It is 110 km north of the Sigurdsvodene .

Aerial photographs of the Third Norwegian Antarctic Expedition (1956–1960) from 1958 to 1959 were used to map them. In 1961, participants in a Soviet Antarctic expedition carried out further mapping and naming. It is named after K. A. Dublizki, captain of the ice breaker Litke . The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names transferred the Russian name to English in 1970.

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