Dulce María Loynaz

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Dulce María Loynaz de Alvarez de Cañas
Company de la poetisa cubana Dulce María Loynaz.jpg

Dulce María Loynaz de Alvarez de Cañas (born December 10, 1903 in Havana , Cuba ; † April 27, 1997 there ) was one of the most important Cuban poets and a member of the Real Academia Española .


Monument to the poetess in Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife)

Dulce María Loynaz was the daughter of the major general of the Cuban Liberation War against the Spanish colonial power 1895-1898 Enrique Loynaz del Castillo . She had never attended school before entering the University of Havana. In 1927 she received her doctorate from the law school.

Her first poems were published in La Nación magazine in 1920 . In the same year she visited the USA. She toured North and South America and almost all of Europe as well as many countries in Asia.

In the 1950s she published weekly chronicles in the magazines El País and Excélsior . In addition, she also worked on magazines such as Social , Grafos , Diario de la Marina , El Mundo , Revista Cubana , Revista Bimestre Cubana and Orígenes .

In 1959 she was elected to the Real Academia Española and was its chairman for Cuba until her death. In 1992 she received the Premio Cervantes and awards for her journalistic work. She maintained contact with poets like Federico García Lorca and the Nobel Prize winners Gabriela Mistral and Juan Ramón Jiménez .

She died at her home in the Vedado neighborhood of Havana at the age of 93.


Literature center in Havana dedicated to Dulce María Loynaz, 2005
  • Versos (1950)
  • Juegos de agua (1951)
  • Poemas sin nombre (1953)
  • Ultimos días de una casa (1958)
  • Poemas escogidos (1985)
  • Poemas náufragos (1991)
  • Bestiary ( 1991 )
  • Finas Redes ( 1993 )
  • La novia de Lázaro ( 1993 )
  • Poesía completa ( 1993 )
  • Melancolía de otoño ( 1997 )
  • La voz del silencio ( 2000 )
  • El áspero sendero ( 2001 )
  • Jardín
  • Un Verano en Tenerife

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