Dull Men's Club

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The Dull Men's Club (short- DMC ; English , freely translated Association of Langweiler ) is an originally American, now also a British club , whose members pursue different activities that by his own admission self-deprecating as boring to consider. The motto of the association is "Celebrating the Ordinary" (for example: celebrating the ordinary ).


The Dull Men's Club was founded in 1985 by Leland Carlson in New York City out of a sports club. The foundation took place in the self-image as a protest against the pursuit of prestigious or spectacular activities, especially sports. One of the first own activities was an elevator system race in the club house. The sports club's magazine also wrote about a bus tour in which the participants “took a lap around the vehicle before looking at it from the inside.” When Carlson moved to Great Britain in 1996, there were branches of the DMC in other cities .


Various activities and groups are united under the umbrella of the Dull Men's Club. In 2014 a wall calendar was published for the first time to honor the “most boring” hobbies with portraits of their operators. These include, for example, Steve Wheeler, who exhibits around 20,000 milk bottles in his own garden museum , Peter Willis, who documents mailboxes , and Neil Brittlebank, who collects bricks.

Far-reaching announced the "UK Roundabout Appreciation Society" (about: British roundabout-recognition company ), which was founded in 2003 by Kevin Beresford and consists of about 30 members. The roundabouts are honored, for example, through photographs, from which the most beautiful ones are selected for their own wall calendar. The first of these calendars was sold around 60,000 times.


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Individual evidence

  1. Werner von der Ohe: Cultural anthropology . Duncker & Humblot, 1987, ISBN 978-3-428-46139-4 , p. 255.
  2. Anna-Lena Roth: The twelve most boring men in Great Britain , Spiegel Online , October 16, 2014. Retrieved October 27, 2016.
  3. ^ Jo Riley: Are these Britain's most boring men? Dull Men's Club calendar showcases its mundane pin-up boys , Daily Mirror website, October 2, 2014. Retrieved October 27, 2016.
  4. Britain's dullest men pose for 2015 calendar, in pictures , The Daily Telegraph website. Retrieved October 27, 2016.
  5. Anna-Lena Roth: "Driving in circles is quality of life" , Spiegel Online , October 7, 2014. Retrieved October 27, 2016.