Dungkhurba Wangchug Trashi

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Tibetan name
Wylie transliteration :
gTsang-pa Dung-khur-ba dBang-phyug bkra-shis
Chinese name
Traditional :
藏 巴敦庫巴
Pinyin :
Zangba Dunkuba

Tsangpa Dungkhurba Wangchug Trashi ( Tib. GTsang-pa manure khur-ba-dBang phyug bkra-shis ) or Tsangpa Dungkhurwa ( gTsang-pa manure khur-ba ) was a Tibetan lama from the Tshelpa Kagyu -School of Tibetan Buddhism and the spiritual leader of the King of the Empire of the Western Xia ( Tangut ), which was conquered by the Mongol troops under Genghis Khan in 1227 . Tsangpa Dunkhurwa was a student of Lama Shang (1123–1193), the founder of the Tshelpa Kagyu School.

He is said to have traveled to Mongolia and then the Tangut Empire together with students and met Genghis Khan there in 1215.

After a conversation with Genghis Khan about Buddhism, he is said to have issued the edict authorizing a polite reception for the monks , in which Tibetan monks were exempted from taxes and military service and granted many privileges.


See also

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  1. . Tib Tshal-pa-pa bKa'- brgyud ; Chinese Caiba Gaju pai 蔡 巴 噶舉派
  2. ^ " The spiritual leader " (Dungkar Lobsang Thrinle)
  3. T. Zhang Rin-po-che ; Chinese Xiang Renboqie 向 仁波切
  4. Dungkar Lobsang Thrinle, p. 43 (" Edict on According to Courteous Reception to the Monks "). - See Klaus Sagaster: The History of Buddhism among the Mongols. In: Ann Heirman, Stephan Peter Bumbacher: The spread of Buddhism. P. 381.
  5. Chinese Zhizhe Xiyan 智者 喜宴 or Xianzhe Xiyan 贤者 喜宴
Dungkhurba Wangchug Trashi (alternative names of the lemma)
Tsangpa Dungkhurba, Tsangpa Tungkhur-wa, gTsang-pa Dung-khur-ba dBang-phyug bkra-shis, 藏 巴敦庫巴, Zangba Dunkuba, Tsangpa Dunkhurwa Wangchug Trashi, gTsang-pa Dung-khur-ba dBang-phyug bkra- shis, Tsangpa Dunkhurwa, gTsang-pa Dung-khur-ba, Tsangpa Dungkhurwa, Tsangpa Dungkhurba Wangchug Trashi