Dark predator beetle

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Dark predator beetle
Dark predator beetle (Ocypus tenebricosus) -172613.jpg

Dark predator beetle ( Ocypus tenebricosus )

Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Kurzflügler (Staphylinidae)
Subfamily : Staphylininae
Genre : Ocypus
Type : Dark predator beetle
Scientific name
Ocypus tenebricosus
( Gravenhorst , 1846)

The dark predator beetle ( Ocypus tenebricosus ) is a beetle from the family of the raven-winged beetle (Staphylinidae).


The 24–32 millimeter large beetles have a black, tightly haired body. Only the last antennae, the ends of the splints ( tibia ) and the tarsi are brownish. The head and pronotum are evenly structured in point form, the latter being longer than the wing at the seam. Wings are not trained. In the similar black mold beetle ( Ocypus olens ), the pronotum is shorter than the wing and the fifth tergite on the abdomen has a light-colored border; this species is also winged.

Occurrence and habitat

The animals are found in Central Europe, Northern Italy and the Balkans. The species is absent in Northern Europe, the Netherlands and the British Isles. It inhabits forests from the plains to the mountains, where they occur more frequently. You can find them hidden under stones, wood and the like.

supporting documents


  • Jiři Zahradnik, Irmgard Jung, Dieter Jung et al .: Käfer Central and Northwestern Europe , Parey Berlin 1985, ISBN 3-490-27118-1
  • H. Joy, KW Harde, GA Lohse: The Beetles of Central Europe. Volume 4. Staphylinidae I (Micropeplinae to Tachyporinae). , Goecke & Evers Verlag, Krefeld, 1964.

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