Dupuy de Lôme (Q 105)

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Dupuy de Lôme p1
Ship data
flag FranceFrance (national flag of the sea) France
Ship type Submarine
class Dupuy de Lôme class
Shipyard Toulon Arsenal
Launch September 1915
Commissioning July 22, 1916
Whereabouts Wrecked in 1935
Ship dimensions and crew
75 m ( Lüa )
width 6.4 m
displacement surfaced: 833 t
submerged: 1287 t
crew 54 men
Machine system
machine Diesel engine
electric motor
4,000 PS (2,942 kW)
propeller 1
Mission data submarine
Radius of action at 10 kn: 5650 nm
8.5 kn (16 km / h)
15 kn (28 km / h)

The Dupuy de Lome was a submarine of the French Navy in the First World War . It was the type ship of a class that initially consisted of eight boats. The construction of the last six boats was changed considerably, so that the class only consisted of the boats Dupuy de Lôme and Sane , while the other boats formed their own class.


The Dupuy de Lôme was part of the French naval construction program of 1913. After the successful voyages of the Gustave Zédé , the naval command decided to build an improved variant. The result was the Dupuy de Lôme . As is customary with the French Navy , the ship was named after a well-known man, in this case Henri Dupuy de Lôme . This was also the namesake for the armored cruiser Dupuy de Lôme . The boat belonged to the French Morocco flotilla. It entered service in 1915. After extensive upgrading and conversion measures in 1922, the boat remained in service until 1935 and was then scrapped.


In general, the boat is based on the British K-Class , from which it differs in a few points.


The Dupuy de Lôme was originally equipped with an electric motor for underwater travel and a steam piston for surface travel. When the First World War ended, the boat got a diesel engine instead of the steam piston in 1922. The Dupuy de Lôme and the sister ship Sáne remained the only boats in their class that were still fired with oil. With the diesel installed in 1922, the performance of the boat decreased, but the diesel was more robust. The power of the motors was transmitted to a shaft that moved a two-bladed screw.


The boat was armed with two small cannons with a caliber of 5.7 cm. In contrast to German boats, stronger cannon armament was dispensed with here, as the torpedo was regarded as the absolute main weapon of submarines. The boat had eight torpedo tubes on the bow and sides, two torpedo tubes were attached to the bow, but the other six were distributed over the rest of the hull laterally, facing port and starboard . A torpedo arming in the aft direction was not provided.
