Dylan Thomas (film)

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Original title Dylan Thomas
Country of production Great Britain
original language English
Publishing year 1962
length 30 minutes
Director Jack Howells
production Jack Howells
music Edward Williams
camera Peter Shillingford

Dylan Thomas is a 1962 British documentary .


The film is a short biography about the Welsh writer Dylan Thomas (1914–1953). Presented by Richard Burton , a friend of the poet, particularly the Welsh landscape that inspired him is.


In 1963 the film was awarded an Oscar in the category Best Documentary Short Film .


The film premiered on May 6, 1963 in New York.

Richard Burton also starred in the film adaptation of Dylan Thomas' main work Unter dem Milchwald ( Under the Milk Wood , 1972) as the narrator, just like in 1954 in the BBC's radio play production .

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