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Dythemis velox

Dythemis velox

Order : Dragonflies (Odonata)
Subordination : Dragonflies (Anisoptera)
Superfamily : Libelluloidea
Family : Libellulidae (Libellulidae)
Subfamily : Trithemistinae
Genre : Dythemis
Scientific name
Hagen , 1861

Dythemis is a genus of dragonflies consisting of eight species. The genus belongs to the subfamily Trithemistinae and was described in 1842 by Jules Pierre Rambur . A dragonfly previously known as Libellula pullata servedas the generotype . The distribution area extends from Colombia to the Paraná lowlandsin Argentina .


Dythemis species are comparatively small to medium-sized dragonflies and reach lengths between 25 and 32 millimeters. Their wings are dark and very broad. This differs from the other genera through the non-touching complex eyes .


The adults of the genus Dythemis in pools and swamps where they sit on grass and wait for prey.


The following species belong to the genus Dythemis :


  1. ^ A b c d Garrison, von Ellenrieder , Louton: Dragonfly Genera of the New World. [S. 234f], The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 2006, ISBN 0801884462