Eberhard Bauer (psychologist)

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Eberhard Bauer (born February 15, 1944 in Pforzheim ) is a German psychologist.

Bauer studied history and philosophy at the University of Tübingen and psychology at the University of Freiburg .

In 1972 Bauer became Hans Bender's scientific assistant and from 1975 also worked as an assistant to Johannes Mischo , Bender's successor at the Department of Psychology and Frontier Areas of Psychology at the University of Freiburg.

Bauer is a member of the board of directors of the IGPP and in this position he particularly promoted historical research on parapsychology in Germany.

Bauer has been editor of the magazine for parapsychology and border areas of psychology since 1970 .


  • Parapsychological Association
  • Society for Psychical Research
  • Society for Scientific Exploration

Fonts (selection)

  • (Ed.): Psi and psyche: new research on parapsychology; Festschrift for Hans Bender. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 1974 ISBN 3-421-02656-4 .
  • together with Walter von Lucadou (ed.): Spectrum of parapsychology: Hans Bender on his 75th birthday. Freiburg im Breisgau: Aurum 1983 ISBN 3-591-08181-7 .
  • together with Walter von Lucadou (ed.): Psi - what does it mean ?: Scientists examine parapsychological phenomena. Freiburg in Breisgau; Basel; Vienna: Herder 1984 ISBN 3-451-08150-4 .
  • Frontier areas of psychology: a special bibliography of German-language psychological literature. Trier: ZPID 1992 ISBN 3-921716-54-3 .
  • together with Michael Schetsche (ed.): Everyday miracles: experiences with the supernatural - scientific findings. Würzburg: Ergon 2003 ISBN 3-89913-311-0 .

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