Eberhard Preime

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Eberhard Preime (born March 1, 1912 in Hersfeld , † September 23, 1941 near Kiev ) was a German art historian and translator of ancient Greek texts.

Eberhard Preime's father August Preime was a grammar school teacher at the "Old Monastery School" in Hersfeld. After attending this grammar school and graduating from high school in 1930, studied musicology, art history (with Kurt Steinbart ) and philosophy in Vienna , Munich and Marburg and received his doctorate in musicology from the University of Marburg under Hermann Stephani in 1934 . After that he was assistant at the chair for art history at the TH Aachen for two years . In mid-1938 he was employed as a research assistant at the Landesmuseum Kassel and head of the copperplate engraving cabinet . In Kassel he gathered a circle of people interested in music and art and regularly guided through the picture gallery (Friends of the Kupferstichkabinett, continued after the Second World War as the “Preime Circle”). He was drafted into the war in March 1939, wounded on the Eastern Front on the Dnejpr in 1941 and died a few days later east of Kiev. On his death he was preparing a habilitation on studies in the history of art and intellectual history in the 18th century. Part of the estate was published in 1942.

He edited Solon's poems in the Tusculum Collection and translated them. He also translated the Homeric Hymns , but it was never printed.

The director of the Kassel Bärenreiter publishing house , Karl Vötterle , who married his widow, was one of his friends . Vötterle published poems by Preime in 1948.

Fonts (selection)

  • Music, Musicology and Value. Problems of a design science . Nolte, Düsseldorf 1935 (= dissertation Marburg, with curriculum vitae).
  • Carl Friedrich Hausmann, 1825–1886. Exhibition of paintings and drawings . Aachen 1935.
  • The techniques of printmaking (collective reprint of articles from the Kasseler Post August – October 1938). Kupferstich-Kabinett, Kassel 1938.
  • Solon: seals. All fragments; Greek and German ( Tusculum Collection ). Heimeran Verlag, Munich 1940. 3rd edition 1945.
  • The hand drawings by Johann Heinrich Tischbein . Bärenreiter-Verlag, Kassel 1942.
  • Now it should be like spring. Sonnets of a lover . Bärenreiter-Verlag, Kassel 1948.


  • Kurt Luthmer : In memoriam Johannes Boehlau, Eberhard Preime, Franz Voigt . Kassel 1941, pp. 12-14.
  • Sensitive interpreter of Kassel works of art . In: Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine (HNA), Kassel city edition, July 2nd, 1983 ( digitized version ).
  • Jürgen M. Lehmann: Biographies of the scientific staff at the Hessisches Landesmuseum Kassel 1913–1988 . In: Art in Hessen and am Mittelrhein 28, 1988, p. 165.