Edition Apollon

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The Edition Apollon was a German audio book publisher based in King Wusterhausen .

The legal entity of the publishing house founded at the end of 2009 was Edition Apollon UG (limited liability) , a so-called mini GmbH with a share capital of 500 euros. The company's managing director from the time it was founded until its insolvency in 2014 was the AfD member of the state parliament, Andreas Kalbitz .

The most famous audio books from the publisher included the audio book for the novella Kokain by Walter Rheiner and the radio play Heeresbericht based on the world war novel by Edlef Köppen . The other publishing program offered audio books on works by Pier Paolo Pasolini , Kurt Tucholsky , Ernst Jünger , Hans Fallada , Manfred Hausmann , Leo Tolstoy and Emmy Hennings .

Edition Apollon worked closely with the artist and audio book author Andreas Karmers, who lives on St. Pauli . The audio book program of the edition was largely taken over by Karmers Verlag , which was founded in 2015 and is primarily dedicated to the in-house productions of Karmers.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kalbitz, Andreas , curriculum vitae on the website of the Brandenburg State Parliament , accessed in April 2017.
  2. Review by Veit Justus Rollmann: And the enemy drums ... In: literaturkritik.de review forum of October 1, 2012, accessed on October 6, 2016.
  3. Agnese Grieco: A Desperate Vitality. In: Lange Nacht , Deutschlandfunk , March 3, 2012, accessed on October 6, 2016.
  4. ^ Verlag auf St. Pauli , presentation on the artist's website, accessed in April 2017.