Edmundo Paguaga Irías

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Edmundo Paguaga Irías (* 1923 , † July 1, 2008 in Ocotal ) was a member of the government junta during the dictatorship of the Somoza clan in Nicaragua .


Edmundo Paguaga Irías was a member of the Partido Conservador Republicano and since the end of the 1960s a member of parliament, he brought the request to rename Ciudad Segovia in Ocotal .

In 1971 Fernando Bernabé Agüero Rocha and Anastasio Somoza Debayle signed the Pacto Kupia Kumi (language of the Miskito : one heart ). The pact split the Partido Conservador . Pedro Chamorro 's Unión Democrática de Liberación (UDEL) belonged to the negative group . When Fernando Bernabé Agüero Rocha left the government junta on March 1, 1973, Edmundo Paguaga Irías took over his function. This entry into the pact was named in the Nicaraguan vernacular "pata de gallina", chicken foot, after a popular dish. This was an allusion to the fact that Anastasio Somoza Debayle would have fully incorporated the Chicken Partido Conservador . Edmundo Paguaga Irías was criticized for this step by Pedro Chamorro because he had followed the siren song .

In August 1974 there were presidential elections. Edmundo Paguaga Irías was the candidate of the Partido Conservador Republicano . Anastasio Somoza Debayle was his party's candidate. The Partido Liberal Nacionalista received 748,985 votes out of 815,758.

Individual evidence

  1. La Gaceta. August 9, 1972 ( page no longer available , search in web archives: Diaro Oficial ) p. 2114.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.glin.gov
  2. La Prensa. February 10, 2007 ( page no longer available , search in web archives: Rechazan cambiar nombre a Ocotal. )@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.laprensa.com.ni
  3. La Prensa. July 3, 2008 ( page no longer available , search in web archives: Edmundo Paguaga Irías, el político que se alió a Somoza en 1973, falleció el lunes en Ocotal. )@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.laprensa.com.ni
  4. Hazel Smith: Nicaragua: self-determination and survival. London, Pluto Press, 1993, according to Uni San Diego ( page no longer available , search in web archives: Elections and Events 1971–1982. )@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.ucsd.edu
predecessor Office successor
Junta from Fernando Bernabé Agüero Rocha
Roberto Martínez Lacayo and
Alfonso Lovo Cordero
President of the Nicaragua
Junta with
Roberto Martínez Lacayo and
Alfonso Lovo Cordero
March 1, 1973–1. December 1974
Anastasio Somoza Debayle