Eduard Just

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Eduard Alexander Just (born December 10, 1846 in Marienberg , Saxony, † July 12, 1913 in Vienna ) was a German chemist who worked as an entrepreneur in Austria .

After attending the Chemnitz business school , Just studied at the Dresden Polytechnic from 1861–1865 and then at Heidelberg University until 1867 , where he was awarded a Dr. phil. PhD .

He worked as a teacher at Friedrich Lähne's educational school in Ödenburg and in 1869 went to Zinkendorf as a factory chemist .

In 1874 he founded the first Austrian factory for photo paper in Vienna and initially produced albumen paper . From 1882 he also produced the chlorosilver gelatine paper developed by Josef Maria Eder and Giuseppe Pizzighelli (1849–1912) and later also platinum and gelatine copy paper. N. Schlotterhoß (1852–1892) invented the automatic copier or exposure machine with an electrical regulator for the mass production of photographic copies, which was first introduced at Just. After the pressure of competition increased in the 1890s, Eduard Just left the photographic paper production to Ferdinand Hrdliczka's company in 1908 and began producing Vaseline and fats.

He published some work on the positive copying process. His nephew was Alexander Just .

Individual evidence

  1. Just, Eduard Alexander. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 3, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 1965, p. 158.