Eduardo Rosales

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Eduardo Rosales portrayed by Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz (1867)
Eduardo Rosales: The Testament of Isabella the Catholic (1864, Prado )
Eduardo Rosales: The Death of Lucretia (1871, Prado )
Eduardo Rosales: Woman Leaving the Bath (1869, Prado )
Eduardo Rosales: Ciocciara (1862, woman from Ciociaria , Prado )

Eduardo Rosales Gallinas y (* 4. November 1836 in Madrid , † 13. September 1873 ) was a Spanish painter of realism , the later which Nazarene - romance turned.

life and work

Eduardo Rosales came from a poor background. His father was a minor civil servant. His childhood was marked by economic worries in the family. As a teenager, he laboriously earned his living by copying drawings. In 1851, at the age of 15, he entered the Academia de Sant Fernando in Madrid to train as an artist , where he was a student of Federico Madrazo . In 1855 his father died of cholera . As a result of his delicate constitution and the social circumstances described, Rosales contracted tuberculosis , which came to light from 1856 and increasingly limited his artistic possibilities due to deteriorating eyesight.

Love of Italian painting

Italian painting in the Escorial awakened artistic interest in Italy in Rosales. Despite great economic difficulties, Rosales fulfilled his dream in 1857 and went to Rome to study with the painters Vicente Palmaroli and Luis Álvarez Catalá . Here, too, unfavorable circumstances forced him to copy and do odd artistic work. He hardly found time for independent artistic work. In 1858 he returned to Madrid, but not without visiting the "Eternal City" several times in his life for artistic motivation.

Artistic breakthrough

Initiated by Nazarene idealism , he left artistic realism behind, but without giving up history painting. After a hospital stay in Madrid, he traveled back to Rome in 1859 - this time with a scholarship. Here he painted the picture Tobías y el ángel (1860, Tobias and the Angel). In 1862 he sent his picture Nena (girl) to the national exhibition in Madrid, where he was first mentioned by the critics.

For the work Doña Isabel la Católica dictando su testamento (1864, The Testament of Isabel the Catholic) Rosales received gold medals at the National Exhibition in Madrid in 1864 and at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1867 . In addition, Rosales was due to this occasion by Napoleon III. made a Knight of the Legion of Honor. Rosales received further top honors with the works Presentación de don Juan de Austria al emperador Carlos V (1859, The Presentation of Juan de Austria to Charles V ), La muerte de Lucrecia (1871, The Death of Lucretia ) in Madrid. The last three works are hanging in the Prado in Madrid. Rosales often practiced both portrait and landscape painting with a surprisingly great amount of inner freedom.

Early late phase

In 1868 Rosales married his cousin Maxima Martinez de la Pedrosa in Madrid. At this time he received numerous orders from the aristocracy, religious and government-related circles. In the midst of the great successes that began in the following years, the artist became increasingly fragile, but continued to fight incessantly for his work. He completed the famous act of a woman Desnudo femenino o Al salir del baño (1869, Naked woman getting out of the bath, Prado) in a completely new concept of art and technique for Spain. In 1872, one of his two children, Rosale's daughter Eloisa, died. The artist, broken in body and soul, went to Murcia hoping for an improvement in health and created a few more landscape paintings. In 1872 the Spanish government offered him the management of the Prado. In 1873 he was offered the direction of the Academia Española de Bellas Artes in Rome. However, Rosales turned down both offers because of his advanced disease. This illness led to his death in 1873.


Rosales was the main character in Spanish painting in the 19th century. Even in his early works he tended towards a very personal, historical monumental style, which at the same time appeared synthetic and authentic. An example of this early phase is the work Tobias and the Angel from 1860, realized in cold colors in a romantic purism. Popular figures such as the Ciocciara from 1862 are not designed in detail. In a similar way he portrayed his wife Maxima Martinez without any frills or jewelry. His late work emerged as a completely independent interpretation of the great painters of his time. In addition to the international academy style, the Velázquez style predominated at Rosales until he achieved complete plastic autonomy himself. La Condesa de Santoveni, also known as La Niña rosa (1871, Prado), is an example of this final phase of artistic development .

In terms of art history, Rosales has often been associated with the beginnings of Impressionism . His famous female nude from 1869 and La muerte de Lucrecia came under strong contemporary criticism because of their motifs. In his pictures, Rosales emphasized the background more than the shapes and figures depicted in the foreground. Because of this painterly peculiarity and because of the well-developed motifs mentioned, it should rather be seen as the completion of Spanish historical romanticism and Nazarene art. “Rosales was an extraordinarily gifted painter; he gave history painting, which at the time threatened to sink into the boring academic taste of the time, new freshness and liveliness. "


The Catalan painter and goldsmith Francesc Masriera had a statue of Eduardo Rosales placed in front of the Taller Masriera , the art temple of Barcelona, in 1872 . This statue is now considered lost. In the Parque del Oeste in Madrid there is a statue of Eduardo Rosales created by the Spanish sculptor Mateo Inurria .


  • Rolf Linnenkamp: Kindler's painting lexicon . Rosales, Eduardo. tape 10 . dtv, Munich 1982, ISBN 3-423-05995-8 , p. 330 .
  • Enciclopèdia Catalana: Rosales Gallinas, Eduardo . In: Gran enciclopèdia catalana. 2nd edition 3rd reprint 1992. Volume 19 . Enciclopèdia catalana, Barcelona 1987, ISBN 84-7739-020-7 , p. 510 (Catalan).

Web links

Commons : Eduardo Rosales  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual references and comments

  1. Detailed evaluations of the artist by Carlos Reyero on the Prado website, accessed on February 13, 2018.
  2. So the assessment of the Enciclopèdia Catalana.
  3. So Kindler's Malereilexikon in the article about Eduardo Rosales.