Edward G. Boyle

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Edward G. Boyle (born January 30, 1899 in Cobden , Ontario , † February 17, 1977 in Hollywood , California ) was a Canadian production designer .


Boyle moved to Hollywood in the mid-1920s, where he first directed a silent film. From 1931 he held various positions in the film business; He started out as a prop master , then became a set designer and finally assistant production designer for the production of A Star Rises . For Gone with the Wind he was responsible for the interior shots without naming his name in the credits. Another unnamed collaboration had in Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator . In 1942 he received his first Oscar nomination for the adventure film The Son of Monte Christo . He then worked on Die Spur im Dunkel with Fred Zinnemann and took part in the Marx Brothers comedy One Night in Casablanca .

Between 1959 and 1966, Boyle worked five times with Billy Wilder , including his classic film Some Like It Hot , for which Boyle received his second Oscar nomination. In 1961, when he was nominated for the third time, Das Appartement received the award for the first time. He subsequently had other nominations for Infam , Seven Days in May , Der Glückspilz and Gaily, Gaily . In 1970 he retired from the film business.

Filmography (selection)


  • 1942: Oscar nomination for The Son of Monte Christo
  • 1960: Oscar nomination for Some Like It Hot
  • 1961: Oscar for The Apartment
  • 1962: Oscar nomination for Infam
  • 1965: Oscar nomination for Seven Days in May
  • 1967: Oscar nomination for Der Glückspilz
  • 1970: Oscar nomination for Gaily, Gaily

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