Eeriboia (daughter of Alkathoos)

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Eeriboia ( ancient Greek Ἠερίβοια ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

According to the Homer scholias, Eeriboia was the daughter of King Alkathoos of Megara , wife of Telamon , king of the island of Salamis , and mother of the Greek hero Ajax the Great , who distinguished himself in the Trojan War . The form of their name is given slightly differently by other ancient authors; Variants are Eriboia ( ancient Greek Ἠρίβοια ) and Periboia ( ancient Greek Περίβοια ).



  1. ↑ The Scholia of Homer, Iliad 16:14 .
  2. Pindar , Isthmien 6:45 ; Sophocles , Aias 569.
  3. Pausanias 1, 42, 2; Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 12, 7, 2.