Ehsan Fattahian

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Ehsan Fattahian (احسان فتاحیان; * 1981 in Kermanshah ; † November 11, 2009 in Sine ) was a Kurdish activist of the Komalah .


On July 20, 2008, he was arrested in the Kamyaran area for membership of the Kurdish opposition group Komalah and was tried. An Islamic Revolutionary Court sentenced him to 10 years in prison in a trial that was not based on the rule of law. An appeals court, however, overturned this judgment and sentenced him to death for moharebeh , hostility to God. Fattahian, on the other hand, denied all allegations until the end.

Amnesty International protested the verdict internationally. The NGO objected that Fattahian had been tortured while in custody and that the verdict violated Iran's human rights and constitution. Human Rights Watch protested the planned execution because, contrary to the Iranian Constitution, the trial was closed to the public and there was no evidence that Fattahian was involved in violent acts. He went on a hunger strike along with other Sine prisoners who opposed the execution of the death sentence. On November 11, 2009, he was hanged in Sine Prison at around 4:01 pm despite international protests . Shortly before his execution, he wrote the following in a suicide note:

"[...] If the rulers and oppressors believe that the Kurdish question will disappear with my death, you are wrong. My death and the death of thousands like me will not heal the pain, they will only increase the fire. There is no doubt that every death is the beginning of new life. "

The execution of Ehsan Fattahian sparked a wave of protests around the world. Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi called the execution under these circumstances unprecedented even in Iran. In the West, among others, the Swedish government, in its role as the holder of the EU Council Presidency, condemned the execution.


  1. a b c Muhammad Sahimi: What Happened to Ehsan Fattahian? , Frontline Tehran Bureau November 15, 2009
  2. ^ Amnesty International: Urgent Action - Kurd executed
  3. Reuters: Iran hangs Kurdish activist, reformist website says
  4. ^ Najmeh Bozorgmehr: Iran executes Kurdish activist in: Financial Times of November 11, 2009
  5. ^ House of Commons: Small question to the British government