Actually, life is good

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Actually, life is beautiful ( english It's a good life, if you do not weaken ) of Seth is a mid-1990s as a graphic novel incurred comic , which he described as six splitters for his series of booklets Palookaville recorded.


The comic artist Seth (the author draws himself) is in a kind of life crisis. He feels himself to have fallen out of time and cannot get used to a life that is subject to constant change. Seth only has one good friend who is also active in the comic scene , his relationships with women are always doomed to failure, his family only offers him support as a symbol of a secure past.

One day, in an old issue of The New Yorker , Seth came across a cartoon by an artist called "Kalo". He begins to be interested in this hitherto unknown person and so he tries to find out more about him. In the course of the next few years he collected a total of eleven drawings that appeared in renowned papers such as “Collier's”, Esquire or “The Saturday Evening Post”, but also in unknown papers. Seth finds out the actual name "Kalos" and that he was, like Seth himself, Canadian. He later went back to his homeland and became a businessman.

The book ends with the first-person narrator meeting the daughter, mother and best friend of the person he was looking for two years after he began his search and for the first time gets an impression of the person Jack Kalloway.


After the story, eleven drawings by "Kalo" are printed. However, Jack Kalloway is a fictional character and the drawings are from Seth. The core of "Actually, life is beautiful" are the atmospheric descriptions of the life of a person who essentially lives his life for himself and for whom the search for the missing colleague ultimately becomes a search for himself. Throughout the entire period, Seth dispenses with text, instead interspersing detailed reflections on life and comics that determine his perception of reality, for example The Peanuts or Tintin .

In this way, the comic takes on a contemplative and melancholy character, which on the one hand condenses the atmosphere of the medium and at the same time makes its fascination tangible beyond an action- oriented plot.


This “comic about comics” was voted one of the best “100 comics of the century” by the “COMIC JOURNAL” editorial team, as was the “Comic Speedline” editorial team.

Andreas C. Knigge called it one of his favorite stories.

useful information

The artwork for the album "Lost In Space" by Aimee Mann was designed by Seth and contains excerpts from "Actually, life is beautiful". Aimee Mann's music, her stories and the basic mood of the album fit the above. melancholy style of comics.