Passy-type necropolis

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The Passy-type necropolises or Passy-type structures are Middle Neolithic trenches that occur in larger groups and were sometimes also used for burial purposes. They are assigned to the Cerny culture by Philippe Chambon .

Research history

The plants were first discovered on aerial photographs . In the course of the gravel mining in the Yonne and Seine valleys in the 1980s, extensive excavations of some sites took place, others were largely destroyed unexplored.


The trench works are elongated with rounded, mostly slightly offset ends, with the eastern end usually being significantly larger. Their trenches are mostly parallel. The systems are usually arranged like a fan. They often occur in groups of twelve or more, mostly on the gravel terraces of the Seine and its tributaries. In Passy the 24 enclosures are between 30 and 257 m long (Monument 5 of Passy). In Balloy they are located above a settlement of the Middle Neolithic VSG culture . Overhanging is possible, but not proven.


The burials are often poorly preserved. Arrowheads as grave goods at the burial of men are interpreted as evidence of the importance of hunting. However, published anthropological regulations are still missing. Typical accompanying finds include the “ Eiffel tower-shaped ” bone idols or spatulae , which some authors interpret as anthropomorphic statuettes. Ceramic is rare.

Important sites


Pablo Arias interprets these structures as a connection between the longhouses of the LBK tradition and the megaliths of the French Atlantic coast, in which Richard Bradley and Alasdair Whittle followed him. This takes up the older Vere Gordon Childes derivation of the Kujawian long beds from the trapezoidal houses of the Brześć Kujawski group.

See also


  • Christine Boujot, Serge Cassen: A pattern of evolution for the Neolithic funerary structures of the west of France. In: Antiquity. A quarterly journal of world archeology , 67: 477-491 (1993), ISSN  0003-598X .
  • Philippe Chambon: Revoir Passy à la lumière de Balloy. Les nécropoles monumentales Cerny du bassin Seine-Yonne. In: Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française , Vol. 100 (2003), Issue 3, pp. 505-515, ISSN  0037-9514 ( text ).
  • Philippe Chambon, Aline Thomas: The first monumental cemeteries of western Europe. The "Passy type" necropolis in the Paris basin around 4500 BC. Jungsteinsite, Kiel 2010 PDF .
  • Magdalena S. Midgley: The Monumental Cemeteries of Prehistoric Europe. Tempus, Stroud 2005, ISBN 0-7524-2567-6 .
  • Daniel Mordant: Sépultures et nécropoles monumentales des IVe et Ve millénaires du bassin Seine-Yonne. Le Néolithique danubien et ses marges entre Rhin et Seine. In: Christian Jeunesse (ed.): Actes du 22e colloque interrégional sur le Néolithique, Strasbourg, 27-29 oct. 1995 (Supplement aux Cahiers de l'Association pour la Promotion de la Recherche archéologique en Alsace, vol. 3). APRAA, Zimmerheim 1997, pp. 135-155, ISBN 2-9508801-4-2 .
  • Seweryn Rzepecki: The roots of megalitism in the TRB culture . Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Łódźkiego, Łodz 2011, ISBN 978-83-933586-1-8 (also dissertation).

Individual evidence

  1. F. Lontcho: Structures de type Passy. L 'Archéologue, Archeologie nouvelle, 44, pp. 19-50, 1999 abstract ; Philippe Chambon and Aline Thomas: The first monumental cemeteries of western Europe: the "Passy type" necropolis in the Paris basin around 4500 BC. Jungsteinsite, 2010 PDF
  2. Jean Paul Delor: Le Néolithique de la vallée de l'Yonne (France) à travers la prospection aérienne. Revue archéologique de Picardie, Numéro spécial 17, 1999, p. 409
  3. Magdalena Midgley : From Ancestral Village to Monumental Cemetery: The Creation of Monumental Neolithic Cemeteries. Jungsteinsite, 2007, p. 7 PDF
  4. ^ Peter Bogucki, Neolithic / Europe, 1176
  5. Magdalena Midgley: From Ancestral Village to Monumental Cemetery: The Creation of Monumental Neolithic Cemeteries. Jungsteinsite, 2007, p. 7, Fig. 6
  6. ^ Philippe Chambon, Aline Thomas: The first monumental cemeteries of western Europe: the "Passy type" necropolis in the Paris basin around 4500 BC. Jungsteinsite Kiel 2010, p. 5
  7. H. Carré: Spatules, statuettes, état de la pensée et culte au Neolithique. Le Néolithique du nord-est de la France et des régions limitrophes. Actes du XIIIe colloque interrégional sur le Néolithique, Metz, 1986, Document d'Archéologie Française, 41 (Paris 1993), pp. 145-150; D. Mordant: Enceintes et spiritualité au Néolithique moyen (4500-3500 avant notre ère). In: Religions rites et cultes en Ile-de-France. Actes des Journées archéologiques Ile-de-France (Paris 1999), 2001, pp. 11-23
  8. ^ Daniel Mordant: Le complexe des Réaudins à Balloy enceinte et nécropole monumentale. In: C. Constantin, D. Mordant, D. Simonin (eds.): La Culture de Cerny, nouvelle économie, nouvelle société au Néolithique . Pp. 449-479, 1997; Philippe Chambon: La nécropole de Balloy "les Réaudins", approche archéo-anthropologique. In: C. Constantin, D. Mordant, D. Simonin (eds.): La Culture de Cerny, nouvelle économie, nouvelle société au Néolithique. Actes du colloque international de Nemours, 1994, Mémoires du musée de Préhistoire d'Île-de-France, 6, éd. APRAIF, Nemours, pp. 489-498, 1997
  9. ^ F. Müller, Pierre Duhamel, A. Augereau, G. Depierre: Une nouvelle nécropole monumentale Cerny à Gron "les Sablons" (Yonne). Actes du 22 e colloque interrégional sur le Néolithique, Strasbourg, October 27-29, 1995. Supplement aux Cahiers de l'Association pour la Promotion de la Recherche archéologique en Alsace pp. 103-133, 1997
  10. Pierre Duhamel: La nécropole monumentale de Passy (Yonne): description d'ensemble et problemème d'interprétation. In: C. Constantin, D. Mordant, D. Simonin (eds.): La Culture de Cerny, nouvelle économie, nouvelle société au Néolithique. Actes du colloque international de Nemours, 1994, Mémoires du musée de Préhistoire d'Île-de-France, 6, éd. APRAIF, Nemours, pp. 397-448, 1997
  11. ^ Pablo Arias: The Origins of the Neolithic Along the Atlantic Coast of Continental Europe: A Survey. Journal of World Prehistory 13/4, 1999, p. 427
  12. ^ Richard Bradley: Orientations and origins: a symbolic dimension to the long house in Neolithic Europe. Antiquity 75, 2001
  13. Alasdair Whittle, Alistair Barclay, Alex Bayliss, Lesley McFadyen, Rick Schulting, Michael Wysocki: Building for the Dead: Events, Processes and Changing Worldviews from the Thirty-eighth to the Thirty-fourth Centuries cal. Bc in Southern Britain. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 17, p. 1, 2007 (suppl.), 140. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, doi : 10.1017 / S0959774307000200
  14. ^ Vere Gordon Childe: The Origin of Neolithic Culture in Northern Europe. Antiquity 23 (number 91), 129–135 (English)

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