Population development of Bochum

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City arms

This article shows the population development of Bochum in tabular and graphic form.

On December 31, 2012, the " official population " for Bochum was 362,213 (only main residences and after comparison with the other state offices ) according to updates by the State Office for Data Processing and Statistics North Rhine-Westphalia (LDS NRW ).

Population development

Population development of Bochum.svg Population development of Bochum - from 1871
Population development of Bochum. Above from 1500 to 2017. Below a section from 1871

The population of Bochum was a few hundred in the Middle Ages and early modern times . It grew only slowly and went back again and again through the numerous wars, epidemics and famine. In 1517 and 1544, numerous residents died from the plague epidemics , and fire disasters destroyed the city in 1517 and 1581. It was not until industrialization in the 19th century that the city's population grew very quickly. In 1800 only 1,636 people lived in the city, in 1900 there were already 65,000.

With the incorporation of Hamme , Hofstede, Grumme and Wiemelhausen on April 1, 1904, the population of the city of Bochum exceeded the limit of 100,000, making it a major city . On April 1, 1926, the population rose by 53,844 people to 213,340 through the incorporation of several places. The incorporation of numerous communities on August 1, 1929 brought an increase from 106,096 people to 322,514 inhabitants. In the census of May 17, 1939, 305,485 people were identified.

The effects of the Second World War are clearly visible . The Allied air raids killed 4,095 civilians and large parts of the city were destroyed. In the heaviest attack on November 4, 1944 alone, 130,000 incendiary bombs fell on the city, 1,300 people died, 2,000 were wounded and 70,000 were homeless. Overall, Bochum lost around half of its residents through evacuation, escape, deportations and air raids. In 1952 the city had as many inhabitants as before the war.

On January 1, 1975 the population reached its historical high of 417,336 due to the incorporation of the city of Wattenscheid (81,469 inhabitants 1974) - calculated according to the respective territorial level. At the end of 2010, the city with 374,737 inhabitants ranked 16th among German cities and sixth in North Rhine-Westphalia. According to a forecast by the LDS NRW, the number of inhabitants will decrease to 359,300 by 2025.

In 1963, according to the current territorial status, Bochum reached a peak with 447,692 people (80,140 of them in Wattenscheid). By 2010 the population decreased by 16.3 percent (72,955 people). The population density in today's urban area fell from 3,079 inhabitants per square kilometer to 2,587 inhabitants per square kilometer in the same period. The proportion of foreigners rose between 1963 and 2010 from 1.8 percent to 11.3 percent.

The following overview shows the number of inhabitants according to the respective territorial status. Up to 1812 these are mostly estimates, then census results (¹) or official updates by the city administration (until 1969) and the State Statistical Office (from 1970). From 1834 the information relates to the “customs clearance population”, from 1871 to the “local population”, from 1925 to the resident population and since 1987 to the “population at the place of the main residence”. Before 1834, the number of inhabitants was determined according to inconsistent survey methods.

From 1500 to 1870

(respective territorial status )

Year / date Residents
1500 1,000
1650 1,400
1719 1,663
1750 1,449
1775 1,456
1800 1,636
1808 2.138
1812 2,102
December 1, 1816¹ 2.148
December 1, 1819¹ 2.122
December 1, 1825¹ 2,524
date Residents
December 3, 1834¹ 3,402
December 3, 1840¹ 3,859
December 3, 1843¹ 4,282
December 3, 1846¹ 4,563
December 3, 1849¹ 4,877
December 3, 1852¹ 5,833
December 3, 1855¹ 6,670
December 3, 1858¹ 8,812
December 3, 1861¹ 9,840
December 3, 1864¹ 11,766
December 3, 1867¹ 15,000

¹ census result

From 1871 to 1944

(respective territorial status)

date Residents
December 1, 1871¹ 21,192
December 1, 1875¹ 28,368
December 1, 1880¹ 33,440
December 1, 1885¹ 40,767
December 1, 1890¹ 47,601
December 2, 1895¹ 53,842
December 1, 1900¹ 65,554
December 31, 1901 68,600
December 31, 1902 69,840
December 31, 1903 72,490
December 31, 1904 115.210
December 1, 1905¹ 118,464
December 31, 1906 122,465
December 31, 1907 126.158
December 31, 1908 129,851
December 31, 1909 133,544
December 1, 1910¹ 136.931
December 31, 1911 142,806
date Residents
December 31, 1912 148.314
December 31, 1913 155.363
December 1, 1916¹ 137.392
December 5, 1917¹ 141,499
October 8, 1919¹ 142,760
December 31, 1919 147.069
December 31, 1920 150.630
December 31, 1921 156.760
December 31, 1922 160.202
December 31, 1923 155.174
December 31, 1924 156,949
June 16, 1925¹ 156,762
December 31, 1925 158.160
December 31, 1926 213,462
December 31, 1927 216,495
December 31, 1928 217,552
December 31, 1929 321.836
December 31, 1930 320.853
date Residents
December 31, 1931 318.049
December 31, 1932 316,798
June 16, 1933¹ 314,546
December 31, 1933 311,401
December 31, 1934 313,419
December 31, 1935 314,587
December 31, 1936 313,470
December 31, 1937 312,625
December 31, 1938 312.123
May 17, 1939¹ 305,485
December 31, 1939 318,495
December 31, 1940 301,488
December 31, 1941 280,000
December 31, 1942 257,543
December 31, 1943 185.198
December 31, 1944 175.162

¹ census result

Source: City of Bochum

From 1945 to 1989

(respective territorial status)

date Residents
May 8, 1945 160,000
December 31, 1945 229.089
October 29, 1946¹ 246,477
December 31, 1946 249,670
December 31, 1947 265.261
December 31, 1948 276.420
December 31, 1949 285.760
September 13, 1950¹ 289,804
December 31, 1950 292,583
December 31, 1951 301.386
December 31, 1952 312,376
December 31, 1953 326.997
December 31, 1954 335,560
December 31, 1955 342.303
September 25, 1956¹ 345.614
December 31, 1956 350.718
December 31, 1957 357,570
December 31, 1958 361,678
date Residents
December 31, 1959 364.243
December 31, 1960 365.745
June 6, 1961¹ 361,382
December 31, 1961 367,338
December 31, 1962 367,579
December 31, 1963 367,552
December 31, 1964 365.379
December 31, 1965 363,697
December 31, 1966 361,465
December 31, 1967 356,662
December 31, 1968 354.165
December 31, 1969 356,447
May 27, 1970¹ 343,968
December 31, 1970 341.935
December 31, 1971 341,767
December 31, 1972 340,338
December 31, 1973 338.022
December 31, 1974 335,867
date Residents
December 31, 1975 414,842
December 31, 1976 412,889
December 31, 1977 409.242
December 31, 1978 405,554
December 31, 1979 402,988
December 31, 1980 400,757
December 31, 1981 398.492
December 31, 1982 393.799
December 31, 1983 389.064
December 31, 1984 384,774
December 31, 1985 382.041
December 31, 1986 381.216
May 25, 1987¹ 386.271
December 31, 1987 386,638
December 31, 1988 389.087
December 31, 1989 393.053

¹ census result

Sources: City of Bochum (until 1969), State Office for Information and Technology in North Rhine-Westphalia (from 1970)

Since 1990

(respective territorial status)

date Residents
December 31, 1990 396.486
December 31, 1991 398,578
December 31, 1992 400.356
December 31, 1993 401.058
December 31, 1994 401.129
December 31, 1995 400.395
December 31, 1996 398,467
December 31, 1997 395.837
December 31, 1998 393.236
December 31, 1999 392.830
date Residents
December 31, 2000 391.147
December 31, 2001 390.087
December 31, 2002 388,869
December 31, 2003 387.283
December 31, 2004 388.179
December 31, 2005 385,626
December 31, 2006 383.743
December 31, 2007 381,542
December 31, 2008 378,596
December 31, 2009 376.319
date Residents
December 31, 2010 374.737
December 31, 2011 373.976
December 31, 2012 362.213
December 31 2013 361.734
December 31, 2014 365.406
December 31, 2015 364,742
December 31, 2016 364.920
December 31, 2017 365,529
December 31, 2018 364,628

Source: State Office for Information and Technology in North Rhine-Westphalia

Population forecast

In their 2009 publication “Who, where, how many? - Population in Germany 2025 ”, in which the Bertelsmann Foundation provides data on the development of the population for all municipalities with more than 5,000 inhabitants in Germany, a 10.2 percent decline in Bochum's population (38,470 people) is predicted between 2009 and 2030. Lt. State Office for Statistics, Bochum's population was 362,213 as of 2012. This means it is already 3,417 inhabitants lower than Bertelsmann's forecast for 2015 of 365,630.

Absolute population development 2009-2030 - forecast for Bochum (main residences):

The forecast opposite compared to the real development from 1990 to 2017
date Residents
2012 362.110
2020 353,370
2025 346.380
2030 339.010

Source: Bertelsmann Foundation

In March 2016, Deutsche Postbank AG published a study conducted by Michael Bräuninger, professor at Helmut Schmidt University , entitled Housing Atlas 2016 - Living in the City , in which a population forecast for 36 major German cities for the year 2030 is carried out. It also explicitly takes into account the immigration in the context of the refugee crisis in Germany from 2015 . For Bochum, it predicts a population decline of 4.65% from 2015 to 2030 despite the influx of refugees.

Population structure

The largest groups of foreigners legally registered in Bochum on December 31, 2015 came from Turkey (9,059), Poland (3,640), Syria (3,620), Italy (1,847), Romania (1,574), Greece (1,274), Iraq (1,038 ), Russia (971), China (934) and Serbia (864).

population As of December 31, 2015
Residents with main residence 369.314
of which male 181,248
Female 188.066
German 325,542
of which male 157.724
Female 167.818
Foreigners 43,772
of which male 23,524
Female 20,248
Proportion of foreigners in percent 11.9

Source: City of Bochum

age structure

The following overview shows the age structure as of December 31, 2010 (main residences).

Age in years population Percentage
0-4 13,575 3.6
5-14 30,047 8.0
15-19 17,544 4.7
20-24 24,623 6.6
25-29 25,263 6.8
30-39 44,375 11.8
40-49 62.993 16.8
50-59 54,851 14.6
60-64 21,684 5.8
65 and older 79,602 21.3
total 374.737 100.0

Source: State Office for Information and Technology in North Rhine-Westphalia

City structure


The urban area of ​​Bochum consists of six city districts. They are divided into a total of 30 statistical districts.


The population figures in the following table refer to December 31, 2006 (main residences).

No. Surname Area
in km²
of inhabitants
per km²

Number of foreigners
1 center 32.60 102.004 3.129 11,821 11.6
2 Wattenscheid 23.87 74,326 3.114 5,447 7.3
3 North 18.86 36,856 1,954 2.234 6.1
4th east 23.46 54.903 2,340 4,530 8.3
5 south 27.11 51,081 1,884 6.115 12.0
6th southwest 19.50 56,393 2,892 2,999 5.3
Bochum 145.40 375,563 2,583 33,146 8.8

Source: City of Bochum

Statistical districts

The population figures in the following table refer to December 31, 2006 (main residences).

No. Surname Area
in km²
of inhabitants
per km²

Number of foreigners
10 Grumbles 5.74 13,193 2,298 815 6.2
11 Track triangle 1.28 8,447 6,599 1,644 19.5
13 Altenbochum 3.07 12,280 4,000 634 5.2
14th South downtown 2.66 16,491 6,200 1,382 8.4
15th Kruppwerke 6.62 15,022 2,269 3,060 20.4
16 Hamme 3.97 15,284 3,850 2,355 15.4
17th Hordel 2.33 3,335 1,431 220 6.6
18th Hofstede 3.17 10,317 3,255 1,074 10.4
19th Riemke 3.76 7,635 2,031 637 8.3
24 Günnigfeld 1.63 5,779 3,545 460 8.0
25th Wattenscheid center 4.47 22,153 4,956 2,539 11.5
26th Leithe 2.78 7,639 2,748 679 8.9
27 Westenfeld 3.76 10,886 2,895 708 6.5
28 Höntrop 8.04 17,991 2,238 798 4.4
29 Eppendorf 3.19 9,878 3,097 263 2.7
36 Bergen / Hiltrop 4.89 10,738 2,196 668 6.2
37 Gerthe 5.90 9,292 1,575 618 6.7
38 Harpen / Rosenberg 3.92 9,013 2,299 429 4.8
39 Kornharpen / Voede branch 4.15 7,813 1,883 519 6.6
46 Laer 4.45 6,294 1,414 612 9.7
47 Werne 4.86 15,400 3,169 1,386 9.0
48 Langendreer 11.54 26,317 2,281 1,745 6.6
49 Langendreer old station 2.61 6,892 2,641 787 11.4
53 Wiemelhausen / Brenschede 5.45 18,700 3,431 1,048 5.6
54 Stiepel 12.46 11,437 918 259 2.3
55 Querenburg 9.20 20,944 2,277 4,808 23.0
63 Weitmar center 4.67 15,557 3,331 1,096 7.0
64 Weitmar mark 5.26 12,747 2,423 358 2.8
65 Linden trees 4.61 14,718 3,193 660 4.5
66 Dahlhausen 4.96 13,371 2,696 885 6.6
Bochum 145.40 375,563 2,583 33,146 8.8

Source: City of Bochum

See also


  • Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Dieterici (ed.): Communications from the Statistical Bureau in Berlin , 1848–1861
  • Imperial Statistical Office (Ed.): Statistical Yearbook for the German Empire , 1880–1918
  • Statistisches Reichsamt (Ed.): Statistical yearbook for the German Reich , 1919–1941 / 42
  • German Association of Cities (Ed.): Statistical Yearbook of German Communities , 1890 ff.
  • Federal Statistical Office (Ed.): Statistical Yearbook for the Federal Republic of Germany , 1952 ff.
  • Bertelsmann Stiftung (Ed.): Guide to Demographic Change 2020. Analyzes and action plans for cities and municipalities. Bertelsmann Stiftung Publishing House, Gütersloh 2006, ISBN 3-89204-875-4

Individual evidence

  1. IT.NRW: Official population figures ( Memento of the original from September 28, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.it.nrw.de
  2. ^ Bertelsmann Foundation: Population forecast
  3. Press release Deutsche Post AG: Postbank study "Housing Atlas 2016 - Living in the City": Where population growth causes prices to rise , published on March 3, 2016, accessed on March 3, 2016
  4. ^ City of Bochum: Foreigners and stateless persons 2011 to 2015 in Bochum , accessed on October 30, 2016
  5. a b City of Bochum: Population figures

Web links