El Condado (Huelva)

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El Condado (Huelva)
Comarca de El Condado de Huelva.svg
Location of the comarca in the province of Huelva
Basic data
Province: Huelva
Main place: Almonte
Surface: 2,457 km²
Residents: 102,235 (2019)
Municipalities: 16

El Condado is a Spanish comarca that is part of the Huelva province in Andalusia . Like all Andalusian comarcas, it was established on March 28, 2003.

The Condado includes 16 communities in the southeast of the province and has 99,779 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2013).


local community Population
as of January 1, 2019
Almonte 24.191
Beas 4257
Bollullos Par del Condado 14,272
Bonares 6058
Chucena 2222
Escacena del Campo 2284
Hinojos 3976
Lucena del Puerto 3371
Manzanilla 2135
Niebla 4117
La Palma del Condado 10,761
Paterna del Campo 3509
Rociana del Condado 7855
Trigueros 7713
Villalba del Alcor 3338
Villarrasa 2176


El Andévalo Cuenca Minera
Huelva Neighboring communities Seville Province
( Atlantic Ocean ) Province of Cadiz


The historical forerunner of this comarca is the old Duchy of Niebla , which belonged to the House of Medina-Sidonia .


The traditional industry is viticulture .


  1. Orden de 14 de March 2003, por la que se aprueba el mapa de comarcas de Andalucía a efectos de la planificación de la oferta turística y deportiva, Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía (Official Gazette of the Government of Andalusia), No. 59 of March 27, 2003, p. 6248
  2. Cifras oficiales de población resultantes de la revisión del Padrón municipal a 1 de enero . Population statistics from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (population update).