Electrical Engineering Students' European Association

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Electrical Engineering Students' European Association
legal form Non-profit organization
founding 1986
Seat Delft
motto Power your future
main emphasis students
method Workshops, conferences, student exchanges, internships
Action space Europe
people EESTEC International (2018/19):

Elvis Skoždopolj Chairman
Philipp Butschle Treasurer
Ana Pantelić Vice-chairwoman for External Affairs
Paula Wesołowska Vice-chairwoman for Internal Affairs
Dajana Yasir Vice-chairwoman for Administration Affairs

Members 6000+
Website www.eestec.net

The Electrical Engineering Students' European Association (EESTEC) is an association of electrical engineering and information technology students in Europe. EESTEC is currently (as of December 2016) represented by local associations at 53 universities in 26 European countries and has over 6000 members. A distinction is made between the so-called Local Committees (LCs), Junior Local Committees (JLCs) and Observer . In order to obtain the status of an LC, the local association must first apply as an observer to the EESTEC International Board. After a certain period of probation, the status of a JLC and then that of the LC can be granted first. In Germany there are LCs in Aachen , Hamburg , Munich , Karlsruhe and Observers in Chemnitz, Duisburg in Switzerland and an LC in Zurich .

The organization was founded on April 28, 1986 at the Electrical Engineering Students European Conference in Eindhoven (NL). In the meantime settled in Zurich , the seat of the association is since 2002 Delft in the Netherlands.

Goal and activities

The aims of the association are to establish and intensify international contacts and to exchange ideas between students from different European countries.


At workshops, participants from different LCs are invited to take part in seminars from companies, special trainers or universities. Topics for workshops mostly come from the field of electrical engineering and information technology as well as computer science, but also from business and soft skills.


During an exchange, members of LCs visit each other. The main focus here is on cultural exchange and getting to know a foreign city and university.


The association organizes so-called internship programs for its members.

ECM (EESTEC Chairpersons' Meeting)

At the ECM, the board of directors of the LCs, the so-called chairpersons, meet. Special training courses are held, experiences are exchanged and the future development of EESTEC is being worked on.


Twice a year there is a one-week congress, with the congress in spring being the association's annual general meeting. For this purpose, at least one deputy is invited by each LC, JLC and observer. The Spring Congress is the most important event in the organization. Important decisions for the development of EESTEC can be made here in so-called general meetings. An Open Day has also been held during this week since 2009. The international students present present their university to the local students. In addition, companies can establish local and international contacts with students.

In Germany, the last conference took place in Munich in 2013 , and before that in Aachen in 1996 .

Structure of EESTEC

EESTEC is structured in two stages. Collaboration is possible on both levels. They are shown below.

Local level

At the local level, EESTEC is represented in the form of Local Committees (LCs). In a city there is usually only one Local Committee, but it can include several universities. The exact organizational structure is not specified. Many are therefore part of the IEEE or student councils. A Local Committee must have at least the following personnel structure: Chairman, Treasurer and Contact Person.

International level

EESTEC International forms the Europe-wide administration of EESTEC and is based in Delft. In addition to the International Board, there are working groups such as the Oversight Committee (OC), Training Team, Magazine Team, Congress Organizing Committee (COC) and a few more.

Web links
