Electric Railways (magazine)

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Electric railways - electrical engineering in transportation

description German railway magazine
Area of ​​Expertise Railways, engineers, traffic concepts
language German
publishing company ITM InnoTech Medien GmbH (Germany)
First edition 1903
Frequency of publication monthly,
10 issues / year
Editor-in-chief Steffen Röhlig
editor Klaus Baur , Ansgar Brockmeyer ,
Thomas Groh , Friedrich Kießling , Peter Mnich , Steffen Röhlig , Andreas Steimel
Web link http://eb-info.eu
ISSN (print)

The eb Electric railways - Electrical Engineering in Transportation is since 1903 published technical and scientific Railway - journal on the subject of electric trains and traction power supply , energy - and transmission as well as the overall system Electric Railway. The magazine appears with a print run of 1,300 copies.

Ten issues appear annually, with a double issue each in January / February and April / May or August / September (depending on the main trade fair / event of the year).


The magazine was founded in 1903 as "Electric Railways: Magazine for the Entire Electric Transportation System". Over the years the title has changed several times. From 1907 to 1922 it was called "Electric Power Companies and Railways - Journal for the Entire Field of Application of Electric Power". From 1925 onwards, the title “Electric Railways” was returned with changing subtitles.

In 1944 the magazine was temporarily discontinued and published again from 1950. The journal's group of editors is made up of professors for electrical transport systems , senior staff from railway vehicle manufacturers and railway companies .

The international edition appears once a year in English. In addition, Elektro Bahnen (eb) is co-organizer of the acrps conference, a biennial event that has been held in Leipzig since 2003 and is the largest of its kind worldwide, especially on the subject of AC rail power supply .

In addition to the specialist magazine, the eb portfolio also offers specialist books on the overall electrical rail system. From September 2016 eb Elektro Bahnen was published by ITM InnoTech Medien GmbH in Augsburg.

In October 2017, ITM-Innotech-Verlag informed the publisher that the magazine should no longer be continued and sold. The rights were sold to Georg-Siemens-Verlag, which has been publishing the magazine since issue 1/2018.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Harprecht: Volume 100 eb - Electric Railways . In: Elektro Bahnen , Heft 1–2 / 2002, S. 3.
  2. Preface . In: Electric Railways , Volume 21 (1950), Issue 1, p. 2.
  3. ACRPS Conference - ACRPS 8th Conference 2017. Accessed February 20, 2017 .
  4. Thomas Groh: A new beginning . In: Electric Railways . tape 116 , no. 1-2 , 2018, ISSN  0013-5437 , p. 1 .