Elfride Jagersberger

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Elfride Jagersberger (born February 17, 1919 in Gmunden ; † July 16, 2017 ) was an Austrian Franciscan missionary sister in Colombia .


Franziska Jagersberger graduated from secondary school in Gmunden and entered the women's order of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters in Gaissau in Vorarlberg at the age of 15 . In 1936 she took her vows, was given the first name of the order Elfride, was sent to Colombia and passed the teaching examination for a primary school teacher.

Jagersberger began working as a teacher in Sincelejo in 1938 , completed a degree in mathematics and physics in 1948 and thus taught at Collegio Biffi, a school center in Cartagena . Later she was director of various schools and from 1963 also financial administrator for the Catholic Bishop of Cartagena. In her free time she showed her first commitment to the poor in Chambacu.

In 1967, due to changes in the Second Vatican Council, Jagersberger made the first permitted home visit as a missionary sister after 31 years of the order. Her parents had already died by then.

From 1967, Jagersberger began building villages in Cartagena, such as Membrillal (200 families), in 1969 the village of Arroz Barato, in 1977 the village of Henequen at the garbage dump, establishing a garbage cooperative for 300 workers and a plastic recycling company, and in 1981 the village of Policarpa on the edge of the industrial area (350 families).

From 1993 to 1998 Jagersberger studied again, this time theology, and completed her studies at the age of 74 with the diploma thesis Always one step forward! - The emergence and development of a poor community . At the same time, a new wave of refugees reached Cartagena in 1995, the displaced settled near their villages and named their settlement Nelson Mandela , and Jagersberger realized kindergartens, elementary schools, secondary schools and middle schools there.

In 2000, the foundation of her monastery in Arroz Barato was recognized by the church together with five local sisters.


  • 2009: God's client: Sr. Elfride Jagersberger in portrait , FeierAbend, ORF 2 , April 13, 2009.
  • 2009: On her 90th birthday, Sr. Elfride Jagersberger visited Upper Austria Online youtube.com 2: 41min


Individual evidence

  1. Sr. Elfride Jagersberger died at the age of 99 , accessed on February 28, 2018
  2. cartagena.at biography of Elfride Jagersberger, accessed on April 15, 2009
  3. ^ ORF God's client - portrait of Sr. Elfride Jagersberger, celebration evening, April 13, 2009
  4. List of winners of the Medal of Honor for Services to the Republic of Austria . Retrieved December 9, 2015.