Elio Morpurgo

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Elio Morpurgo

Elio Morpurgo (born October 10, 1858 in Udine ; † March 29, 1944 ) was an Italian politician , minister and long-time member of the Senate .

From 1889 to 1894 he was mayor of the Friulian city ​​of Udine. In the following year he became a member of the Chamber of Deputies and in the period up to 1919 State Secretary in the Ministry of Post and Telegraph and twice Minister of Economics . From 1920 Morpurgo was a member of the Senate .

Although he had joined the fascists, he was arrested as a Jew in 1944 and imprisoned in the Risiera di San Sabba concentration camp near Trieste . In the same year he was supposed to be transferred to the Auschwitz concentration camp , but died in the cattle wagon during the transport .

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