Ellen Paschke

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Ellen Paschke (born December 13, 1947 in Brunsbüttel , Schleswig-Holstein ) is a German trade unionist. From October 2003 to March 2013 she was a member of the federal executive committee of the United Service Union ( ver.di ).


After graduating from school, from 1963 to 1966 she learned the profession of administrative clerk at the water and shipping administration, the Brunsbüttel hydraulic engineering department. She worked there until 1971. Then she was an administrative clerk in the Dithmarschen district administration of the Public Services, Transport and Traffic Union ( ÖTV ) until 1981 . She has been a member of the SPD since 1972 .

Ellen Paschke is married and has one child.

Union functions

From 1982 to 1994 Ellen Paschke was managing director of the ÖTV district administration Dithmarschen, then deputy district chairwoman of the ÖTV district north. In the district executive she took on the work areas of the federal and state governments, municipalities, collective bargaining policy and women's policy.

Functions in ver.di

After the founding of the United Services Union in March 2001, she was elected deputy district manager of the northern district. It includes Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania . She was responsible for the areas of collective bargaining policy and coordination, workers and gender policy . The delegates of the ver.di federal congress in Berlin elected Ellen Paschke on October 25, 2003 with 94.4 percent of the votes to the ver.di federal executive board. She succeeded Beate Eggert, who was not re-elected. Ellen Paschke heads the Department of Health, Social Services, Welfare and Churches (FB 3). At the 2007 federal congress, Ellen Paschke was re-elected to the federal board with 89.6 percent of the delegate's votes.

More functions

In September 2009, at the suggestion of ver.di, Ellen Paschlke was appointed by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to the commission for the development of working conditions or their amendment according to § 12 AEntG. The Commission's task is to propose a minimum wage for the care sector.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Election results for the Federal Congress 2007 ( Memento from April 23, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  2. http://www.bmas.de/portal/37968/property=pdf/2009__09__21__lösungen__pflegekommision.pdf