Elli Hirsch

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Aurelie Hirsch (married Doepler, born March 23, 1873 in Berlin ; † February 6, 1943 in the Theresienstadt ghetto ) was a German graphic artist, illustrator and designer.


Elli Hirsch was trained in Berlin at the art school and the teaching institute of the Kunstgewerbemuseum ; her teacher was Emil Doepler . Her first well-known work is an advertising poster for bock beer from 1899, which was extensively discussed in the magazine Propaganda . In the same mosaic style in which she designed this poster, she created her early series of pictures for Stollwerck , such as the series “German Masters”, in which she also portrayed people from Doepler's circle of friends. A total of over 100 pictures that Elli Hirsch created for Stollwerck over the course of eight years have survived. In addition, she designed packaging, posters, advertisements, bookplates and illustrations.

Elli Hirsch married her former teacher Doepler in 1909. After his death in 1922, they kept their shared apartment on Uhlandstrasse in Berlin until they were expelled from it during the Nazi era . In autumn 1942 she was deported to Theresienstadt . There she died in the so-called "old people's home".

Stollwerck series

  • German Masters I , album 4, group 165, 1900
  • German Masters II , album 4, group 166, 1900
  • Fruit Trees , Album 4, Group 175, 1900
  • Edible Berries , Album 4, Group 196, 1900
  • Domestic and Foreign Fruits , Album 5, Group 211, 1902
  • Domestic and foreign cultural plants , album 5, group 212, 1902
  • Climbing Birds V , album 5, group 235, 1902
  • Climbing Birds VI , album 5, group 236, 1902
  • Climbing Birds , album 6, group 282, 1903
  • Birds of prey , album 6, group 283, 1903
  • Poetry and Representation , Album 8, Group 361, 1905
  • The little one with the bells , album 9, group 373, 1906/07
  • The Wichtelmänner , album 9, group 374, 1906/07
  • Stupid Jack , album 9, group 388, 1906/07
  • The snake and the monkey , album 9, group 397, 1906/07
  • The heyday of Italian painting , album 10, group 426, 1908
  • Famous ore founders and builders , album 10, group 427, 1908
  • Older German Masters of Tonkunst , Album 10, Group 442, 1908
  • German classics , album 10, group 444, 1908

Individual evidence

  1. Detlef Lorenz, Reklamekunst um 1900. Artist dictionary for collecting pictures , Reimer 2000, ISBN 3-496-01220-X , pp. 107-109