Elsbethen natural monuments

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In Elsbethen , a municipality south of the city of Salzburg in Austria , there are a number of natural monuments, which are listed below.


Waterfall at the beginning of the Glasenbachklamm

The Glasenbachklamm is a popular hiking area for residents of the city and the surrounding area. The Glasenbachklamm is known for fossil finds such as the ichthyosaur , which is exhibited in the House of Nature . Another special feature are the 200 million year old rock formations from the Jurassic Period of the Mesozoic Middle Ages exposed by the mountain stream . This means that the history of the formation of the Alps from the former seabed to today's mountains can be viewed in detail.

Dry gorges

The dry gorges are an area of ​​rugged gorges and boulders in Elsbethen. The name of the gorge is due to the fact that no stream flows through the gorge, as is the case with other gorges (for example the Glasenbach Gorge , which is also located in Elsbethen). It is a popular hiking destination for the Elsbethners and the residents of the surrounding area. In 1936 the dry gorges area was declared a natural monument.



The Archstein is a cuboid limestone block and, together with the Trockener Klammen, a popular hiking destination for the Elsbethners and the residents of the surrounding area. In 1975 it was declared a natural monument.

Holzhäusl linden tree

The Holzhäusl-Linde was declared a natural monument in 1957 according to the Salzburg Nature Conservation Act because of its peculiarity and the characteristic character it gives the landscape. The old linden tree stands south of the railway bridge over the Klausbach, west of the tracks, at the height of the wooden house (Mayr-Melnhof-Weg 1), from which it takes its name.

Linden tree at the fire station

Linden tree near the old fire station

The linden tree by the fire station stands between the old fire station on Goldensteinstrasse and the Kehlbach . The tree has a trunk circumference of 4.50 meters and a diameter of 1.50 meters. It has a short, gnarled trunk about four meters high, which is divided into a few strong, upward-reaching branches. The branches or their branches form a round to oval crown . The tree is approx. 200–250 years old and has essentially no noticeable damage or wind breaks and is likely to be the oldest tree in the immediate local area. The vitality of the tree can be described as good despite the older age. At the foot of the tree, despite the tree, there is a small wooden bench with a crucifix attached to the trunk . In 1987 the linden tree was declared a natural monument.

Linde at the Pulvermacher-Gütl

The linden tree near the Pulvermacher-Gütl is a summer linden tree near this historic building on Johann-Herbst-Strasse and is believed to be 160–210 years old.

The Pulvermacher-Gütl once served as a supplier to the prince-archbishop's and later to the Austrian army . The summer linden tree : Two sub-trunks form a narrow but stately crown. The tree reaches a height of about 26 meters and a trunk circumference at chest height of 1.80 meters. In 1976 the linden tree was declared a natural monument.

Linden tree at the Reinberg-Gut

The summer linden tree at the Reinberg-Gut is located next to the stable of the Reinberg-Gut, which can be reached from the Haslach district. The tree is around four hundred years old and has a chest height of 4.80 meters. It has a very nice branched root approach and reaches the first branch of the trunk at a height of about 1.80 m. The height of the main branch is 5 m above ground. Mighty sub-trunks are formed that extend to a total height of around 28 meters. In 1975 the linden tree was declared a natural monument.

Giant maple on the Schwarzenbergalm

The giant maple on the Schwarzenbergalm is a sycamore maple and is located east of the Schwarzenbergalm, which is near the Gasthaus Erentrudisalm. The Erentrudisalm will be renovated until the spring of 2019, one and a half years (as of October 2018) they have been looking for a tenant because from an economic point of view it was no longer possible to manage it. The tree is about 500 years old and has a trunk circumference of about 4 meters and a total height of about twenty meters. In the declaration on the natural monument in 1959 it is claimed that this was done “because of its peculiarity and the characteristic character which it gives the landscape”. This is no longer the case, as access is denied by a fence around the property.

Acacia tree at the Saliterer estate

The acacia tree at the Saliterer Gut is popularly incorrectly referred to as acacia , in truth it is a common robinia ( Robinia pseudoacacia ). It used to be considered an ornamental tree , but can also be found as a road and forest tree. It takes its name from a French gardener, Jean Robin , who is said to have brought robinia seeds from Virginia to Europe in the 17th century .

The acacia at the Saliterer-Gut in Glasenbach is at the entrance to the Salitererhof , which branches off at the local history museum , behind the right of the two gate pillars of the courtyard. The tree is around 80-100 years old, has a particularly pronounced growth and a trunk circumference of around 4.30 meters. The main trunk is almost completely rotten, but the robinia has driven out several "replacement trunks" in its place. A crucifix is attached to one of them in a wood-paneled niche. In 1969 the linden tree was declared a natural monument.


Incision in the rock ("throat")

The Stadlerkessel, also called Strudelloch, is close to the Archstein and the Trockener Klamm . From the bridge that leads over the Kehlbach , you can see the deep cut ("Kehl") in the rock that the creek has formed. The water used to run the Kehlmühle located further down, but it is no longer in operation today. Above the bridge, after about 150 meters, there is a hole in the stream bed. Such generated by waterfalls potholes are not uncommon in this area. In 1959 this whirlpool hole was declared a natural monument because of its peculiarity and rarity.


  • Robert Karl: Elsbethen. A place through the ages . Published by: Elsbethen Municipality, 1994

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Glasenbachklamm in the nature conservation book of the State of Salzburg
  2. Dry gorges in the nature conservation book of the State of Salzburg
  3. ^ Archstein in the nature conservation book of the state of Salzburg
  4. Linde at the fire station in the nature conservation book of the State of Salzburg
  5. Linde at the Pulvermacher-Gütl in the nature conservation book of the State of Salzburg
  6. But no new tenant for Erentrudisalm on ORF-Salzburg from October 16, 2018, accessed on October 16, 2018
  7. ^ Strudelloch Stadlerkessel Elsbethen in the nature protection book of the State of Salzburg

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