Magpie blue paintwork

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The Elster'sche blue paint factory located on the Breitenbach , was a factory that served to produce blue paint from cobalt-containing ore. The paint mill already existed in 1654 and was owned by the Elster family for around 150 years. The former main building located south of the Dreckschänke was demolished in the 1950s.


The later mountain master of Platten, Peter Kuhn , owned a paint mill near Platten (am Breitenbach) around 1654. Kuhn briefly emigrated to Johanngeorgenstadt as a religious refugee , where he was led by Johann Löbel the Elder in 1658. J. bought the house under construction next to the church . However, he returned to the papacy because of his paint mill . After his death, his widow Maria Kuhn married the master butcher from Neudek Peter Elster in 1684 , whereby the paint mill became the property of the Elster family. Since then Elster has worked as a paint maker and trader in Breitenbach.

In 1704 the work was taken over by his eldest son, the paint maker Christian Elster, who was buried in the parish church of Platten in 1741 . In 1743 the paint mill was run by Christian Elster's widow. The inking work is listed in 1752 in the description of the Bohemian Plattner and Gottesgaber Revieren by Christoph Conrad Reuschel, and in 1774 in Contributions to the Mineral History of Bohemia by Johann Jakob Ferber, as one of the blue color works in Breitenbach.

The next owner was Franz Karl Elster, who was also a factor in the Schlegelmühler blue paint factory in Austria. He made experiments in the Puchner Schmalte factory in St. Joachimsthal , in which he concentrated silver-containing food to prepare the lard . The attempts were beneficial for many, but he could not break the supremacy of the Saxon plants. On February 12, 1781, he prescribed the blue ink factory to his brother Anton Elster for 6235 florins. This still appears in the schematic for the Kingdom of Bohemia to 1805 as the factory owner. When the Schmalte was replaced by artificial ultramarine in the first third of the 19th century, the work was probably given up.

The distinctive main building with a small bell tower was demolished in the early 1950s. Above the blue color factory on the mountain was the popular stop Marianne, the predecessor of the Dreckschänke.

Ownership successes

  • Peter Kuhn
  • Peter Elster
  • Christian Elster
  • Eva Regina Elster
  • Franz Karl Elster
  • Johann Anton Elster


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Siegfried Sieber: From Bohemian blue color works. Bohemia, Munich 1969.
  2. Johann Christian Engelschall: Description of the exiles and mountain town Johann Georgen city . Lanckisch and Kircheisen, 1723 ( [accessed on August 15, 2017]).
  3. Kauffmanns currently living in and outside Germany . 1743 ( [accessed on August 20, 2017]).
  4. ^ Johann Jakob Ferber: Contributions to the mineral history of Böhman . Christian Friedrich Himburg, 1774 ( [accessed August 19, 2017]).
  5. ^ Siegfried Sieber: From Bohemian blue color works. Bohemia, Munich 1969.
  6. Wenzel Hahn: Gemeindechronik , Platten, 1850–1877, p. 232
  7. Schematism for the Kingdom of Böheim for the year 1805: Second part . ( [accessed on July 24, 2017]).
  8. Maximilian Dormizer: The employment relationships in the Bohemian Ore Mountains: Report to the Central Committee for the promotion of gainful employment of the Bohemian Ore and Giant Mountains residents . H. Mercy, 1862 ( [accessed August 15, 2017]).