Emil Habdank from Dunikowski

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Emil Habdank von Dunikowski (born December 13, 1855 in Tustan , † 1924 in Lemberg ) was an Austrian geologist .

Dunikowski was in 1877 at the University of Vienna Dr. phil. PhD . From 1877 to 1879 he was an assistant at the Polytechnic in Lemberg and from 1879 to 1881 he was a volunteer at the Geological Reichsanstalt in Vienna . In the period from 1881 to 1884 Dunikowski was an assistant at the Institute for Paleontology and Historical Geology at the University of Munich . In 1884 he completed his habilitation at the University of Lemberg , where he was initially an associate professor of mineralogy from 1888 and a full professor of geology from 1890 to 1924.

In the field of paleontology , Dunikowski mainly researched sponges .

Publications (selection)

  • The area of ​​the Strypa River in Galicia . Yearbook of the Geological Reichsanstalt 030, 1880, pp. 43–68, online (PDF; 2.0 MB).
  • Geological conditions of the banks of the Dniester in Podolia . Negotiations of the Federal Geological Institute 1881, 1881, pp. 82–83, online (PDF; 322 kB).
  • The sponges, radiolarians and foraminifera of the lower layers of the Schafberg near Salzburg. (With 6 plates) . Memoranda of Acad. Wiss. Wien 45 2, 1882, pp. 163–194, online (PDF; 3.7 MB).
  • Geological surveys in Russian Podolia . Negotiations of the Geological Reichsanstalt 1883, 1883, pp. 288–290, online (PDF; 383 kB).
  • with Heinrich Walther: The petroleum area of ​​the Galician Western Carpathians . Negotiations of the Reichsanstalt 1884, 1884, pp. 20–25, online (PDF; 581 kB).
  • About some new nummulite finds in the East Galician Carpathians . Negotiations of the Geological Reichsanstalt 1884, 1884, pp. 128–130, online (PDF; 376 kB).
  • Some remarks about the structure of the West Galician Carpathian sandstone . Negotiations of the Reichsanstalt Bundesanstalt 1885, 1885, pp. 238–240, online (PDF; 390 kB).


  • Verh., Vienna 1925, p. 6.
  • Helmuth Zapfe : Index Palaeontologicorum Austriae (= Catalogus fossilium Austriae issue 15). Publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1971, p. 25, online (PDF; 358 kB).