Emil Schlander

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Emil Schlander (born September 14, 1888 in Unterdrauburg , † November 30, 1978 in Vienna ) was an Austrian oto-rhino-laryngologist .

Emil Schlander studied medicine at the University of Graz and specialized in ear, nose and throat medicine. After the First World War he was an assistant at Heinrich Neumann von Héthárs' clinic . He received his habilitation , but in 1940 his Venia Legendi was withdrawn for racial reasons. In 1945 he was reinstated and appointed to the board of the 1st Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic. In 1950 he was appointed full professor .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Vienna city hall correspondence: 80th birthday of Emil Schlander
  2. Schlander, Emil (1888-1978)