Emilia Giehrl

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Emilia Giehrl (born November 1, 1837 in Regensburg , † October 15, 1915 in Munich ), pseudonym Emmy and Aunt Emmy , was a youth and folk writer.

Emmy Giehrl at the age of 70


She grew up as the daughter of Joseph von Aschenbrenner , a Bavarian finance minister. She started writing poetry as a child. An accident during pregnancy tied her to bed for life. In simple language, she wrote stories, narratives and poems for daily and weekly newspapers as well as books for children and young people in a romantic-glorified and religious-edifying style. She promoted the Munich Pfennigverein, which campaigned for the poor.


Grave of Emilia Giehrl on the old southern cemetery in Munich location

The grave of Emilia Giehrl is located in the old southern cemetery in Munich (grave field 4 - row 1 - place 45) location .


Works (selection)

  • Our girl buds. Poetry and prose . Edited by Emmy. CM Roskowski, Bromberg 1863.
  • From the cradle to the early grave. The life picture of a pious child by Emmy G. Katholischer Erziehungs-Verein, Donauwörth 1880.
  • Aunt Emmy tales. With a collotype portrait of Aunt Emmy . New episode. 2nd, significantly presumed edition. Ludwig Auer, Donauwörth 1887.
  • The golden ABC of St. Bonaventure . Edited by Johann Ludwig Jacob. Alt-Thann 1893.
  • Cross flowers. Dedicated to my dear companions in sickness and suffering for pious entertainment . Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh Paderborn, 3rd edition 1894.
  • Puzzle book a selection of all kinds of puzzles . Otto Manz, Straubing 1899. Digitized
  • From my childhood. Reminder sheets . 2nd edition Ludwig Auer, Donauwörth 1900.
  • The realm of women or the life and work of the Christian woman in marriage. Written down from my own experiences and memories . Ludwig Auer, Donauwörth 1905.
  • The widow according to the heart of God. A prayer and edification book for Catholic widows. With church approval . A. Laumann, Dülmen 1907.
  • On the big day of honor! Christmas gift for communion children in preparation. Religious teachings and narratives . J. Thum, Kevelaer 1909.
  • Memories from my youth. Continuation of the 'childhood memories' . Ludwig Auer, Donauwörth 1911.
  • Consolation book dedicated to the troubled and grieving for our time . Ludwig Auer, Donauwörth 1915 digitized


  • Giehrl, Mrs. Emmy . In: Sophie Pataky (Hrsg.): Lexicon of German women of the pen . Volume 1. Verlag Carl Pataky, Berlin 1898, p. 256 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Maria Müller: Emmy Giehrl (Aunt Emmy). Your life, suffering, love . Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1919.
  • Giehrl, Emmy . In: Large Bavarian Biographical Encyclopedia . Volume 1. Saur, Munich 2005, p. 643.
  • Gudrun Wedel: autobiographies of women. A lexicon . Böhlau Verlag, Cologne 2010, pp. 272, 274

Individual evidence

  1. Max Joseph Hufnagel: Famous dead in the southern cemetery in Munich . 4. revised Edition Zeke Verlag, Munich 1983, p. 96.