Emilio Wilhelm Ramsøe

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Emilio Wilhelm Ramsøe (born February 7, 1837 in Copenhagen , † April 15, 1895 in Roskilde ) was a Danish composer and conductor .


Emilio Wilhelm Ramsøe trained as a violinist and at the age of seventeen traveled as a conductor with Miller's actor company, then with Lewini's group through Norway . From 1857 to 1864 he was music director at Copenhagen's Alhambra amusement park . During this time, numerous musical arrangements and potpurris were created alongside original compositions. From 1864 to 1875 he was a conductor at the Folketeatret . During this time he arranged and composed music for musical comedies and vaudevilles , including Gøngehøvdingen , Svantevils Dalter and Kanariefuglen .

After differences of opinion with the theater director Michael Wallem Brun , Ramsøe left the Folketeatret and went first to Stockholm , later to Saint Petersburg . From 1877 he was a member of the orchestra of the Italian and later the Russian theater. During the summer holidays he conducted the Rosenborg Brøndkuranstalt wind orchestra in Denmark . In addition to the theatrical music mentioned, Ramsøe composed six quartets for brass, songs with piano accompaniment and a romance for viola and piano.
