Enchant (software)

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Basic data

Maintainer Reuben Thomas
developer Dom Lachowicz
Current  version 1.6.1
(February 6, 2017)
operating system Linux
programming language C , C ++
License LGPL ( Free Software )

Enchant (English for magic ) is a free software for spell checking , which as an intelligent front-end common for a number of spell checking libraries acts. Dom Lachowicz has been developing it since 2003 as part of the AbiWord project in C and C ++ and distributing it as free software in the source code under the terms of a variant of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Apart from the program routine library GLib 2 used , it has no dependencies and can be compiled with various build systems for a variety of platforms. In addition to being used in AbiWord , Gnome-Spell and GtkSpell have been converted from Pspell to Enchant, and use is being considered in KOffice , the typesetting software LyX and the XML editor Conglomerate . It was also proposed as the freedesktop.org standard.


Enchant abstracts the access to different backends via a programming interface based on Aspell / Pspell and uses them in combination, in that for each word to be checked in the background a suitable configurable one for the respective language is automatically selected from the available configurable ones. In the case of backends with fewer functions, it can emulate functions that are sometimes not available.

It supports

Web links


  1. dot.kde.org/2003/08/26/kastle-2003-koffice-developers-meeting-report
  2. listman.redhat.com/archives/xdg-list/2003-July/msg00180.html
  3. freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/desktop-language-checking-spec