Engelbert Pape

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Engelbert Pape (born May 24, 1827 in Erwitte , Westphalia; † February 10, 1909 in Munster ) was a Prussian civil servant and railway director.


After attending grammar school in Arnsberg, Pape studied law in Bonn, Heidelberg and Berlin. After being appointed court assessor in 1853, Pape was employed at the court martial in Höxter. On October 19, 1856, Pape began his railroad career with the management of the Prussian Eastern Railway in Bromberg .

After several intermediate stops in Saarbrücken, Münster, Hanover and Berlin, Pape took over the provisional chairmanship of the Royal Railway Directorate in Saarbrücken on January 1, 1869 and finally on March 1, 1869. During the war of 1870/71 he received the Iron Cross for his services at this point . On December 1, 1871, Pape became chairman of the Royal Railway Directorate in Münster. Further stations in his career were in 1874 chairman of the management of the Lower Silesian-Märkische Railway in Berlin, in 1880 president of the Royal Railway Directorate in Berlin and in 1881 in Bromberg. In the reorganization of the Prussian Railway Administration that took place in 1895, Pape played a key role as chairman of the commission for drafting the draft.

On January 14, 1895, he was appointed to the rank of a First Class Councilor. On October 1, 1898, he retired and received the diamond for the Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd class with oak leaves and star.

Pape died on February 10, 1909 in Münster / Westphalia.


Pape was married to Antonie Böttrich (* July 25, 1829, † November 9, 1918 in Münster).


  • Engelbert Zimmer: The Saarbrücken Railway Administration through the ages . Special issue "Die Schiene", messages for the Saarland railroader, Saarbrücken, October 1959.