Engelbert Regh

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Engelbert Regh

Engelbert Regh (born February 12, 1887 in Cologne , † August 23, 1955 in Stolberg ) was a German politician (DVP, NSDAP, FDP).

Live and act

Regh attended elementary school and the Kaiser-Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Cologne. He studied philology, history and political science in Bonn and Lille . In 1914 he was promoted to Dr. phil. PhD . He then took part in the First World War.

After the war Regh became a member of the German People's Party (DVP). In January 1919 Regh became managing director of the DVP in the Cologne-Aachen constituency. In February 1928 Regh founded the February Club in Cologne. In 1929 he became a city councilor in Cologne .

In the general election of September 1930 Regh was candidate of the DVP for the constituency 20 (Köln-Aachen) in the Reichstag voted, where he remained until July 1,932th

During the Nazi era , Regh became a member of the NSDAP and mayor of the city of Stolberg . Following the Reichspogromnacht , Regh had 26 Jewish citizens arrested, who were then deported to the Buchenwald concentration camp .

From 1945 to 1955 Regh belonged to the city council and district council of Stolberg for the FDP .


  • Enlightened despotism, the physiocrats, the English early liberals and the elementary school , Cologne 1915. (Dissertation)
  • Storm over Africa , Berlin 1934.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang R. Krabbe: Party youth between Wandervogel and political reform , 2000, p. 30.
  2. Christina Handschuhmacher and Daniel Gerhards: Reichspogromnacht: What happened in the city region? In: Aachener Zeitung . ( aachener-zeitung.de [accessed on May 1, 2017]).