Enguerrand II (Ponthieu)

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Enguerrand II († October 25, 1053 near Saint-Aubin-sur-Scie ) was a Count of Ponthieu and Lord of Aumale . He was the eldest son of Count Hugo II von Ponthieu and Bertha von Aumale.

Enguerrand married Adelheid († 1081/84), a daughter of the Norman Duke Robert I the Magnificent . For this he was excommunicated in October 1049 at the Council of Reims because of a relationship that was too close, because his sister was already married to Count Wilhelm von Arques , who in turn was an uncle of his wife. The marriage had two children:

After the death of his father in November 1052, Enguerrand took over the Ponthieu. In league with King Henry I of France , he joined the uprising of Wilhelm von Arques against his brother-in-law, Duke Wilhelm II (William the Conqueror). He was killed on October 25, 1053 in a battle near Saint-Aubin-sur-Scie , his brother Guido I succeeded him as count.

Duke Wilhelm confiscated Aumale after the death of Enguerrand and gave it to his widowed sister Adelheid as a county. She married Count Lambert von Lens , who died in battle in 1054. Then Adelheid married Count Odo II of Champagne († after 1096).


Individual proof

  1. ^ JD Mansi: Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio. Volume XIX, Venice 1774, p. 742

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predecessor Office successor
Hugo II Armoiries Ponthieu.svg
Count of Ponthieu
Guido I.