Enno Penno

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Enno Penno (born April 22, 1930 in Tallinn , † November 16, 2016 in Stockholm ) was an Estonian politician. During the Soviet occupation of Estonia, he was the last incumbent Prime Minister of the Estonian government in exile .


Enno Penno was born as the son of the Estonian politician and longstanding deputy speaker of parliament in the interwar period, Rudolf Penno (1896–1951). Before the Soviet occupation of the country, the family managed to flee into exile in Sweden via Finland in 1944.

There Enno Penno got involved in the Estonian exile community. In the Estonian government-in-exile, Penno held the post of Minister of Transport in exile from January 1, 1962 to March 1, 1964, as well as the Executive Minister of Education in exile in the cabinet of the exiled President Aleksander Warma .

On March 1, 1990, Penno became the Estonian Prime Minister in exile. On June 20, 1990, he formed a new cabinet in exile .

The government in exile was already heavily influenced by the upheavals in Estonia. On August 20, 1991, Estonia declared the end of Soviet rule in the country and the restoration of its national independence. On July 16, 1992, the government in exile decided to end its activities when the first freely elected Estonian parliament came together. On October 7, 1992, exile President Heinrich Mark (1911–2004) and exile Prime Minister Enno Penno formally handed over all powers to the democratically elected constitutional organs of the Republic of Estonia.

Individual evidence

  1. http://news.err.ee/v/news/5603608c-e78a-4470-a8be-e859784e9fad/deputy-pm-of-estonian-government-in-exile-enno-penno-dies-at-86